Sunday, February 20, 2011

Many many @Zodiacfacts. too long nv post x_x

#Pisces adaptability and quick emotional reaction sometimes confuse others.

#Pisces are more imperceptible than passive. They act, but they act without calling attention to themselves.

#Pisces response to the emotional side of their environment is rapid and fluctuating.

As a #Pisces you are the sign most likely to motivate yourself to do something by saying you will never do it again.

As a #Pisces you are most happy when you can follow your dreams, while intimately linking with other people’s dreams

As a #Pisces you mutate from feeling to feeling, plan to plan, vision to vision.

As a #Pisces you inherited phenomenal intuition and in general, will exercise more perception than logic in dealing with life.

#Pisces seek salvation within themselves, striving for total self - sufficiency and self - reliance.

#Pisces is the most advanced sign of the zodiac. You would never know it because they appear to be emotionally dependent.

#Pisces female protects her emotional vulnerability with humor or sophisticated exterior.

#Pisces are always willing to put in more than is required to accomplish something.

As a #Pisces do not expect others to share your philosophies or live up to your high standards. Everyone is not the same.

As a #Pisces you tend to isolate yourself a lot especially when you feel like someone is getting close.

As a #Pisces although you are usually better at doing things than most of your friends don't let it go to your head.

People may never fully understand the greatness that lies behind a #Pisces.
17 Feb

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts As a #Pisces be firm and assertive but retain your composure when dealing with someone.

As a #Pisces others seem to be constantly taking advantage of you or being most inconsiderate to your feelings.

As a #Pisces your understanding of life is extensive and totally all encompassing,which allows you to be friends with everyone

As a #Pisces learn how to tone back and control that fiery and so often out-of-control sense of attitude that you have.

#Pisces are liable to place their career ambitions and achievement above those of their families and friends.

#Pisces deep imaginations permit them to plump greater depths. Dreams and visions are like second nature to them.

#Pisces natives tend to be, like their polar opposite (Virgo), excessively focused on other people.

#Pisces can be impressed by and completely absorbed into their environment.

#Pisces are generous, friendly, good natured people with a true sense of kindness and compassion.

#Pisces are popular folk because of their easygoing and likable manner, which tends to mirror people they are with.

#Pisces possess a gentle, patient nature, but one that is in want of molding.

#Pisces can be an elusive partner. Take the feelings as they come, and let them go as they go.

#Pisces need to learn to be more self-oriented and more assertive. They can learn to be more honest and straightforward.

#Pisces teach us compassion, imagination, forgiveness and tolerance.

#Pisces have an essentially Unpossessable quality, no matter how long you've known them.

A #Pisces partner can give a depth of understanding and communion unmatched by any other sign.

#Pisces may be technically faithful, but their imagination isn't, and never will be.

#Pisces are however the kindest and most charitable of all the signs. They give 100% all the time.

#Pisces are very imaginative, but their imagination tends to run wild sometimes giving them great ideas.

#Pisces may put their hardiness to the test if they try to resolve others' emotional conflicts.

#Pisces want to get to the top but are more interested in preparing the groundwork.

#Pisces have a strong sexual appetite that often dictates the nature of their intimate relationships.

#Pisces can have a hard time sustaining their drive toward success because they are easily distracted.

A #Pisces knows that however complicated and demanding their life is, they have the option to turn a blind eye to it.

#Pisces have little regard for artifice and will freely speak against it. They judge character with pitiless accuracy.

#Pisces may have a hard time admitting that they feel a need to reconcile the two sides of their nature.

Friends are indispensable to a #Pisces. They collect friends the way other people collect art.

#Pisces have an ability to subjugate their ego to comprehend reality.

#Pisces are rarely comfortable in sedentary, nine-to-five jobs. They favor a career where every day is different.

#Pisces have an all-or-nothing mentality.

#Pisces usually have a small but loyal group of friends and are apt to discourage casual acquaintances.

#Pisces are not averse to success, but they may have a different definition of the word.

#Pisces don't enjoy being the pursuer in the relationship.

#Pisces are aggressive and opinionated. Professional goals are a priority, and success is an important goal in their lives.

#Pisces don't like to lock themselves into a single life-option without having the freedom to change course at some point.

#Pisces are suited for parenthood because they combine sensitivity with an instinct for knowing when to discipline.

Because they know the measure of their abilities, #Pisces feel they deserve special attention.

#Pisces can distill their life-view through their experiences with friends.

#Pisces are not afraid to examine even the most difficult periods of their life to find the answers they need.

#Pisces seek their identity through interpersonal experiences.

#Pisces have a habit of holding on to people who are bad for them.

Because of their selfless nature, many of #Pisces dreams are for others.They have incredibly high ideals.

Many #Pisces cling to their past as a way of trying to understand the present.

It's not uncommon for a #Pisces to allow themselves to be manipulated by so-called friends.

#Pisces are not single-minded about success. Achievement means doing their best without sacrificing other aspects of life.

#Pisces have a desire to succeed in the conventional sense but aren't willing to check their ethics at the door.

Security-oriented, #Pisces seek social prestige but are generous with resources.

#Pisces are idealistic in their hopes and perceptions, and many of their goals may seem out of reach.

#Pisces always seem to be surrounded by a group. They have a way of making everyone feel indispensable.

#Pisces romantic view of life is tinged with melancholy. They never regret an opportunity taken.

#Pisces sees life on a large scale, yet his or her ability to perceive details is amazing.

#Pisces may have difficulty finding a focus, but when they do they are true to it.

#Pisces look at things from an artistic perspective -- they bring an artistic sensibility to anything they do.

#Pisces are unsatisfied in anything but a long-term relationship and need the security that it provides

#Pisces give their best at every opportunity, always believing that attitude, more than ability, promises success.

Because #Pisces goals often change with their moods, they search for new challenges and horizons.

#Pisces need to experience one wild romance and are attracted to people who share their mystical sensibilities.

#Pisces are ruled by instinct and intuition yet appreciate an intellectual viewpoint.

#Pisces favor a small group of close friends. They are likely to be mistrustful of social relationships.

#Pisces are most powerful when they put their talents toward a cause greater than themselves.

Other signs can be very cautious of a #Scorpio, which isn't surprising.

When #Scorpios are thinking over a problem they are inclined to withdraw into themselves and become somewhat uncommunicative.

When Scorpios are faced with a problem,they react according to the emotional intensity of that problem to them as an individual

#Scorpios reactions tend to be stabilized and long-lasting - when they get something on their mind.

It can be logically assumed that #Scorpios would maintain an unwavering interest in what affects them emotionally.

As a #Scorpio you are capable of intense devotion and intense dislikes, obsessions that help and sometimes harm you.

#Scorpios rarely show their true colors to others.

#Scorpios are almost never intimidated by anyone or anything, and always look fear straight in the eye.

#Scorpios tend to be highly selective in friendships.

A #Scorpio man will give absolutely honest advice, appraisal, or compliments. Take caution when approaching them.

A #Scorpio will never laugh behind your back they will do right in front of you. Fake is not in a Scorpios vocabulary.

#Scorpios are sensitive that any breach of trust is almost always irreparable and could well mean the end of a friendship.

#Scorpios are more interested in getting the job done than finding friends. So think again before approaching them.

As a #Scorpio your negative perception makes you feel that you have been wronged most of the time.

As a #Scorpio your good at being bad. You have this fiery sex appeal that's a turn on for anyone. Naughty is the word for you.

As a #Scorpio Do not be afraid to accept sincere help from others. Learn to let go of that ego and lean on others for a change.

As a #Scorpio you have a severe inferiority complex.

As a #Scorpio realize sometimes your passionate obsession and emotional selfishness will not achieve the results you wish for.

As a #Scorpio you always be the one who has high principles, ideals, and standards, and you will always live up to them.

As a #Scorpio your inner strength of character keeps you going when faced with those challenging issues that arise in your life

#Scorpio is probably the most feared and yet the most revered sign of the Zodiac.

#Scorpio natural bluntness and spiritual depth makes it difficult for them to share their insights with others.

It's been said you can never tell what makes a #Scorpio tick, because they never give you a clue.

#Scorpios might not know their ability, but in large groups a Scorpio will easily outsmart others.

An element of mystery surrounds a #Scorpio. People can't get enough of them. Scorpios have that it factor.

#Scorpios sensitivity, and pride allow them to be easily hurt and easily roused to heights of anger.

As a #Scorpio your heart is always a battleground where mistrust and need of others are in a constant struggle.

No one experiences a relationship with a #Scorpio without changing. Whether it endures or ends, you'll become more self-aware.

#Scorpio feelings are intense. They take a long time learning to trust, but then they don't let go easily.

The #Scorpio has to win ever argument,but don't hand them victory on the plate just like that. You have to fight back.

You'll rarely get to hear just how much you mean to a #Scorpio ,but you can bet that, the less you hear, the deeper the love.

The #Scorpio partner's biggest problem is the need to be in control. This can show in some pretty unattractive ways.

#Scorpios are self-effacing. When they display their less complicated side, they are likable.

Although known for their sense of humor, #Scorpios know when to display it and when it's not appropriate.

#Scorpios do not complain when the path they are traveling grows difficult. They deal with it and take every problem head on.

While it's nearly impossible to win an argument against a #Scorpio, they make challenging opponents.

#Scorpios are extremely cautious about letting themselves rely too heavily on a lover or mate.

#Scorpios are success-oriented, with a difference. They have a moralistic streak and never compromise their belief.

#Scorpios never worry about failure. They know that their dreams will eventually succeed, despite the odds.

Very few people have the potential of a #Scorpio. They possess intelligence and spirituality in equal measure

#Scorpios are not career-driven, but they believe in living up to their potential.

#Scorpios have the integrity to be themselves. They will not deviate from their standards for any reason.

#Scorpios usually do not have a career strategy. Instead, they often use their intuition to pick up opportunities that arise.

#Scorpios have a habit of remaking their relationships. Friendships that last for many years may be on-again, off-again.

Because #Scorpios prefer to live simply, they may appear parsimonious. In truth, they're generous.

#Scorpios never take friendship lightly. Love is a combination of the simple and the complex with them.

As parents #Scorpios don't expect their children to be perfect, but they do demand they become responsible early.

#Scorpios often demand more love and attention than anyone can give, yet they give it back, and more.

#Scorpios have a problem with intimacy and don't like to answer to others, especially to explain failure.

#Scorpios are quixotic, sprite-like individuals who possess a changeable nature and exciting personality

#Scorpios know the race of life is won by long-distance runners, not sprinters.

#Scorpios don't need to be in a visible position, nor do they hunger after compliments.

#Scorpios love so deeply they nearly become the person they love.

#Scorpios would rather be in chaos than boredom.

#Scorpios often have friendships that allow them to express their unique personality.

Romances are likely to be conducted surreptitiously; #Scorpios like secrecy.

#Scorpios have a flair for putting themselves into situations where they will be noticed.

Scorpios are not interested in the reasons why something cannot be done,only in how they can turn that negative into a positive

#Scorpios dislike being the center of attention,though they have the ability to draw the spotlight.

#Scorpios may have few friends, this is the way they like it.

#Scorpios are addicted to excitement and often end up with someone who is actually the antithesis of what they really want.

#Scorpios can treat people rudely and still be loved.

While #Scorpios have a haughty disposition, they are nicer than they appear.

#Scorpios want to learn as much as they can. Although not academically inclined,they think of themselves as life-long students.

Not only can #Scorpios make friends with virtually anyone, they are able to build the self-esteem of others.

To trust instinct over intelligence can be a challenge for a #Scorpio but is a sound goal.

Security is an emotionally charged issue for a #Scorpio.

#Scorpios don't believe in doing anything the easy way and will sacrifice to make their dreams come true.

Learning to vent their innermost feelings is a must for a #Scorpio.

With a #Scorpio sensitive and imaginative nature, dreams and illusions are as concrete as reality.

The past is never far from a #Scorpio. They compare each new experience to what they have known.

#Scorpios are self-disciplined. Personal honor means a great deal to them, and they are fanatics about keeping their word

#Scorpios prefer to find esoteric meaning behind life's circumstances.

#Scorpios display honesty without harshness. They are careful about enforcing emotional boundaries.

#Scorpios have no need of validation from others.

Water signs #Cancer, #Scorpio, #Pisces embody emotion, sensitivity and compassion.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Me: I got sore throat alr, very pain...
Dad: hais.. eat ba kwa lo.

After that i told my mom about this,
Mom: He guai lan ah.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

"It's not that I keep problem from my friends, it's just that I always forget about it whenever I'm with them."

most of the time it's you baka ♥