Tuesday, May 31, 2011

30 may
-Was just thinking bout when you would call and u did!

- i turn off my alarm but decide to stay on bed instead of getting up yet..then your call came.

9 days. i miss you baka.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

To be loved by a #Pisces is to truly know what love feels like.

To be loved by a #Pisces, means that you're able to almost drown in the sea of love, so unconditional is their love.

#Pisces are mystical, mysterious and when you fall in love with a Pisces, you fall under their spell.

#Pisces,warmth and graciousness helps them establishing relationships easily.

#Pisces,have a natural tendency to become a workaholic;hence,they must have a generous amount of escape time,preferably with total solitude.

Always charming and likable, a #Pisces are good to those in distress.

A #Pisces, temperament varies from being optimistic to being acutely pessimistic.

#Pisces,have greater than average instinct for nature, beauty, traveling, luxury and pleasure.

#Pisces,positive qualities include good observation, concentration while listening and good understanding

As a #Pisces,You need to believe in something, and you're perfectly willing to spend a lifetime finding it.

As a #Pisces, you are a modest and self-sacrificing person,searching tirelessly for what can make life truly meaningful and fulfilling.

To venture into a #Pisces world is to lose track of which way is up, down, forward or back.

With a #Pisces, we reach beyond physical reality, beyond social reality, beyond the unconscious, beyond everything that is known.

In the Zodiac sign #Pisces we leave the bounds of the known world and expand until we encompass the stars, the ether, everything that is.

As a #Pisces,You find it hard to say no and can easily give in to temptation which can lead to a very promiscuous lifestyle.

As a #Pisces,You have an inclination to dream about your ideal lover rather than actively to go out and seek them.

As a #Pisces,Your own fantasies can feed your doubts allowing problems to manifest in your own mind.

As a #Pisces,You don't need any lessons in giving out love for you gush with emotions 24/7.

As a #Pisces,You just don't face the facts sometimes and that can lead to problems with a partner who can't understand your escapist nature.

As a #Pisces, You need to probe more into the motivations and values of people before you let them into your inner circle.

As a #Pisces,You follow your own guiding lights and preserve your uniqueness this way since forms of restraint are abhorrent to you.

If you want to turn off a #Pisces, be sarcastic, a wind-bag, overly-direct or argumentative.

If you want to turn on a #Pisces, be reliable, grounded, dependable and respectful of personal boundaries like a CAPRICORN.

If you want to turn on a #Pisces,be beautiful, creative, calming and relaxed like a TAURUS.

If you want to turn on a #Pisces,be inspirational, mystical, sensitive and intense like a SCORPIO.

If you want to turn on a #Pisces,be soothing, private, intuitive and protective like a CANCER.

As a #Pisces,The right partner for you will know not to take advantage of your generous spirit.

As a #Pisces,Knowing when to stay and when to leave may be a lifelong challenge for you.

As a #Pisces,You'll find the beauty where others see only ugliness, giving you a cutting-edge lens on the world.

As a #Pisces,you're drawn to people, places and things that are veiled by a haze of fantasy.

#Pisces sensitive natures will cause them to trust too quickly and jump into a relationship that seems secure before seeking it out further.

#Pisces,tend to sashay around a situation,creating various conclusions to make it interesting or slide out the exit if controversy surfaces.

#Pisces believes that the more you give, the more you make, the Universal Law.

#Pisces, respect their privacy and do not want anybody to disturb them when they want to spend some time with themselves.

It is difficult to comprehend a #Pisces because they represent dual nature of sorts.

#Pisces can gain a quick understanding of what is presented to them as well as being able to easily observe and listen well without recourse

Being artistically gifted tends to put a #Pisces mind in a dream world where they find a mental satisfaction above and beyond anything real.

As a #Pisces, you are never afraid of a challenge. Many people tend to take your kindness for weakness.

A #Pisces woman is hypersensitive, and when she abandons herself to feeling, you are talking about an ocean of possibilities.

The subtle appeal of a #Pisces woman is that you may not besure what she is doing,but you are more than willing to keep coming back for more

A #Pisces woman,is a confident woman and likes to make people who stay with her happy.

Whether a #Pisces woman has a man in her life or not , she will never try to over powered any man

#Pisces,tend to be most comfortable and at ease when their partner is expressing him or herself confidently.

#Pisces compassion, and ability to understand and accept virtually every color of the rainbow shows through in a sexual/romantic way.

#Pisces will rarely confront a lover to improve the physical aspect between them.

The #Pisces rhythm is slow. Before a Pisces will have sex with anyone, they need to feel out the situation.

#Pisces are always on guard and observing people and situations constantly.

#Pisces seem to be submissive, accommodating and do not enjoy confrontation. But this will eventually show to be strength rather a weakness.

A #Pisces woman,has the look of the sweet and innocent girl that every guy adores.

#Pisces,have an intuition about them that will help them read a situation but when not used the right way it can lead to daydreams.

If there is something a #Pisces don’t like, they will simply turn and walk away before they try to fix or change the situation.

How to score with a #Pisces: recite poetry, send flowers, give little gifts, and treat them to a nice meal.

The challenge with dating or marrying a #Pisces might be dealing with the times when he/she is feeling that the world is against him/her.

As a #Pisces,Don't force yourself to indulge to the degree that your ideals are in danger of being shattered.

As a #Pisces,Your natural inclination is to play the passive or responsive role in physical lovemaking.

In the bedroom a #Pisces woman,Always make the right moves, say the right things and create the right ambiance.

As a #Pisces,Though you are strongly attracted to good looks,your attention will completely fizzle out if your partner is not intelligent.

As a #Pisces, You put your emotions in poetry or short verse but seldom open up to those around you on a personal basis.

Every #Pisces is his or her own Lord of the Rings in that they can barely manage their own charisma, and are liable to be destroyed by it.

As a #Pisces,There's a mischievous way about you. Aim for conversations which are not entirely straightforward and practical.

Love and music helps a #Pisces feel joy, connection, lust, power, and, of course, sorrow.

Quiet, fleeting emotions emanate from a #Pisces like mist from an etherial lake, or sometimes furiously, like snow flurries in a blizzard.

As a #Pisces,You do have the courage and toughness required to see you through to easier times at home and at work.

As a #Pisces,It's easy work for you to listen with compassion as someone unloads a secret that's been troubling them.

As a #Pisces,Your creative imagination is at its best when angry, and you tend to get pretty dramatic.

As a #Pisces, The only thing that can be said about you dreamers is that you appear even more attractive when angry.

No one is more romantic, more imaginative, more creative, than a #Pisces.

#Pisces have a very characteristic set of needs and motivating factors, which seems quite different from those of other sun-signs.

As a #Pisces,you are not deliberately negligent, you just think there are more important things to do.

#Pisces are not one to sit in a judge’s chair and think about the partner-to-be objectively – you are too romantic for that.

As a #Pisces, you find it easier to make friends with those who can take interest and sympathies with your interests, emotions and impulses.

The boundaries of possession are sometimes invisible or altogether meaningless to a #Pisces.

As a #Pisces,You have a particular artistic sophistication, which means that you have creativity with a polished edge.

#Pisces,such a vast reservoir of positive creative energy that they don’t even come close to realizing their true potential.

Having #Pisces strong in one's horoscope tends to create an impression of remoteness,of distraction from the constraints of physical reality

A #Pisces, sympathetic nature makes them the most humble human being in your neighborhood. You can always trust them.

#Pisces are tuned in to a higher purpose and their dreams transcend the individual.

#Pisces,can catch the moods of others like viruses and pick up emotions by proximity.

As a #Pisces,You not only play mind games with those that get close to you, but in addition you often fool yourself emotionally.

As a #Pisces, To constrict your uniqueness would make you extremely unhappy.

As a #Pisces, You'll have a keen sense of what others are doing and thinking. Use your insight to get what you want.

As a #Pisces, remember Anger isn't the answer and will lead to a blowout that is impossible to fix.

As a #Pisces, Holding on to your pride is unwise. The more you share, the more you understand.

As a #Pisces, you must make the best use of your talents, and everything else will take care of itself.

As a #Pisces, No matter how you choose a partner, they are sure to be full of surprises.

As a #Pisces, your need for emotional reassurance can lead to flirtations that generate emotional instability

A #Pisces women may become clingy and dependent, but she will never be overbearing.

More than any other sign,perhaps, #Pisces experiences normal human life as limited, for it excludes so much that can make life more complete

#Pisces,suffer deeply because of their own inability to be satisfied with the range of human beings.

As a #Pisces, Although you are the most loving and giving of the signs, your ability to select an inappropriate partner is legendary.

As a #Pisces, You are sexually adventurous and willing to experiment, so long as you feel secure with a partner (or partners).

#Pisces feel a great deal, and they also feel misunderstood much of the time. They're not quite pushovers, but they're certainly sensitive.

A happy, confident #Pisces brightens the world and all our lives.

#Pisces benefit by truthfully sharing their own difficulties, feelings, and need.

It's hard for #Pisces, to know when to say "no". Moderation and self-discipline are not their strengths.

#Pisces, are usually tolerant, forgiving, and nonjudgmental, accepting other people unconditionally.

#Pisces, respond very strongly to beauty and to love.

#Pisces, tend to become so detached from their immediate environment that they live in a chaotic mess.

For a #Pisces, Music and the creative arts provide a safe, structured environment for them.

Many #Pisces can be found in law enforcement and the judicial system. Still others are creative cooks and chefs.

#Pisces,creative juices flow much better when they can set their own schedule and work for themselves, by themselves.

As a #Pisces, Being a mixture of an optimist and a pessimist , they find it difficult to make up their minds on any issue.

#Pisces is easily misled because they want to believe. No matter how often they are led astray by vacant promises.

For a #Pisces,You can also support their creative side with a music, poetry, dance or photography-themed gift.

#Pisces, can be so subtle, sensitive and emotional that they end up being a real drain on ones resources.

#Pisces, don't fare well in a controlled or fixed environment and generally rebel against convention.

#Pisces, appreciate luxury and pleasure, and are ripe for new sensations. When they travel, they prefer remote, exotic places.

#Pisces, possess wonderful creativity which is demonstrated in music, literature, drama and art.

#Pisces do best in an environment where they can exercise their imaginations and intuitive nature.

When, however, they do find the right container,#Pisces are capable of some incredible deeds.

#Pisces, image also represents a duality, the struggle of the spiritual soul within the physical body.

As a #Pisces, You have good business ability. You are endowed with skills which will bring you wealth and power.

As a #Pisces, A self righteous mood once again brings out the best in you.

As a #Pisces, One of your best moods from the productivity point of view is one where you're detached, focused, and inspired.

As a #Pisces, By and large, you are sweet tempered and social. Led away by fancies and new ideas, yet always polite and modest.

As a #Pisces, Being a dual sign, you are a puzzle to others and even to yourself.

As a #Pisces, Usually, you are courteous and hospitable, helpful and humane, and you cannot harm any one even if you try.

Being sensitive in nature, #Pisces tend to show symptoms of those they are taking care of.

#Pisces people exhibit two distinct personalities. One is quite pleasant and charming while the other is timid and withdrawn.

#Pisces have the power to grasp various details of something that ordinary people tend to miss.

When you're in love with a #Pisces,be careful of what you say,as your carelessly thrown comments can cause some serious damage.

As a #Pisces, Your vibrations are so sweet, so ethereal. You are ruled by Neptune and the Moon, both very harmonious to each other.

#Pisces, are like the water that flows gently downstream, around the rocks and obstacles in its path.

Friends and family burn the self-sacrificing a #Pisces' time and energy and they wonder why they're so tired.

As a #Pisces,You might often find yourself part of a successful team or actively involved with collaboration with others.

As a #Pisces, Pay attention to your gut feelings, which will, more often than not, give you valuable information.
8 Apr

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts As a #Pisces, your noncommittal attitude in your personal life could leave people in your life feeling frustrated with you.
8 Apr

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts As a #Pisces, Your greatest rewards and success come from your responsibility and hard work.

#Pisces feelings run very, very deep. A mutable nature endows Pisces with adaptable and unifying energy.

#Pisces people are apt to talk too much, and they have a tedious habit of asking questions.

There is a peculiar obstinacy in the #Pisces character, which sometimes be­comes a most formidable element to deal with.

#Pisces, are the peo­ple who will deny themselves the absolute comforts of life to further the interests of relative or friend.

#Pisces rarely look for dishonesty; on the contrary, are prone to have too much confidence in the words and promises of those they love.

#Pisces are fond of re­sponsibility, and can usually be relied on to fill acceptably places of trust.

#Pisces, are naturally very honest and clean-minded, and the women are easily dis­gusted with anything coarse or common.

#Pisces, do not demand quite so much as they give; if they did they would be the most diffi­cult people on earth to live with.

#Pisces,are the people of quick attractions and equally quick repulsions,though they are gener­ally too kind to let their aversions be seen.

#Scorpios don't give up and no matter what game they're playing, especially the game of love, they'll be in it to win.

One thing is certain, being in love with a #Scorpio is going to keep you on the edge of your seat and always guessing.

There is something dangerous about a Scorpio in love and no one knows that better than a #Scorpio

#Scorpios,don't believe in being indifferent toward anything or anyone and are either 100% involved or 100% uninvolved.

#Scorpios, highly suspicious character can be the cause of trouble at home.

#Scorpios,have a very strong intuition and always focus on knowing who is who.

An argument for a #Scorpio is a means of expressing each others feelings and they take it as an opportunity for improving relationships.

#Scorpios don't let everyone into there inner self and are masters when it comes at hiding emotions.

For a #Scorpio,there is no such thing called indifference.

As a #Scorpio,you are very good at having other people live out your feelings, and it pleases you tremendously.

As a #Scorpio,You enjoy the mysterious and the incomprehensible,and you do crave to make your wishes come true,no matter how unlikely it is.

In #Scorpio, we deal with deep psychological dynamics, control urges, and the aspects of ourselves and others we'd rather not know about.

#Scorpio, on the other hand, delves into the deeper, messier issues that inevitably arise in relationships.

In the Zodiac Sign #Scorpio, you'll encounter power struggles, intense emotions and cathartic transformation.

As a #Scorpio, there is a dynamic side to you, you can hardly resist a quarrel or a fight and must prove you are right.

As a #Scorpio,You are careful and choosy in your selection of mates and friends so that you are rarely disappointed in them.

As a #Scorpio you can be Insanely jealous about absolutely nothing.You can turn on your partner and accuse them of all sorts of shenanigans.

As a #Scorpio,The more physical your body language the better. You're a man or woman of few words.

As a #Scorpio, your mysteriousness can push your partner out into the cold making them think they've done wrong.

As a #Scorpio,In a work situation you can create crisis situations in your mind where you feel unable to delegate and exhaust yourself.

As a #Scorpio,You are able to summon up more power and intensity than any other sign of the Zodiac.

If you want to turn off a #Scorpio, be fixed, rigid, too-trendy or overly-literal.

If you want to turn on a #Scorpio,be grounded, conscientious, serious and motivated like a CAPRICORN.

If you want to turn on a #Scorpio, be discrete, analyzing, attuned and organizing like a VIRGO.

If you want to turn on a #Scorpio, be mystical, psychic, imaginative and sensual like a PISCES.

If you want to turn on a #Scorpio, be private, loving, feeling and affectionate like a CANCER.

As a #Scorpio,Learning to let go and move on from conflicts is a crucial lesson. In affairs of the heart, you're decidedly security-minded.

As a #Scorpio,Unfortunately, you're the one who suffers most from such grudges, as they tend to consume your thoughts.

Some of the most inventive minds belong to #Scorpios, including Microsoft guru and philanthropist Bill Gates.

As a #Scorpio,Whether you vamp it up or downplay your looks, you're undeniably magnetic.

#Scorpio does not take lightly to losing or ending something they put their time into.

Don’t push a #Scorpio too far and you won’t have to worry about getting stung. They don’t calm down nor do they forgive.

A #Scorpio,would rather conjure up their own conclusions rather than seek out the truth about someone.

Patience is accounted as a #Scorpios best strategy which they apply in their professional life.

#Scorpio likes to take their time in doing things through life. Their laid back attitudes tend to irritate those around them.

#Scorpios,are the symbol of courage and power, and this is certainly accompanied by foresight and intelligence.

People learn quickly not to mess with #Scorpios. Scorpios are perfect teachers of will power and stability.

As a #Scorpio, 90% of the time you are misunderstood by others. At times you tend to isolate yourself out of fear.

Whatever a #Scorpio man appears to be is not the whole truth. He has layers and layers of intricate abilities and desires.

Quiet, alert, poised for danger, and informed about everything,a #Scorpio man is a formidable competitor in life's games and in the bedroom.

A #Scorpio man,memorize everything well. You may say something that you already forgotten, but he will remember every word.

A #Scorpio man,will tell you the truth, even you might not be able to take it.

#Scorpios,will pretty much do anything and everything with a willing partner.

#Scorpios,can be addicted to the thrill of getting to know a person inside and out, and to the power of love and sex.

#Scorpio is turned on by let-it-all-hang-out sexiness in a person's dress and fashion.

#Scorpios like undress people with their eyes,knowing that with a particular look or chosen word,a fantasy will become reality.

When a #Scorpio is pushed, they will not run, but wait for the right moment to unleash their fury.

#Scorpios,will use their intellect to plan and strategize their attack while often using deception to target and exploit another’s weakness.

The #Scorpio man needs to be part of a power couple. He needs a trophy wife and a soul mate in one.

#Scorpios,will become devious as they hide their true self, ready to strike when necessary.

A #Scorpio,collected thoughts are so precise in the game they play to successfully reach each goal that they have no reason to become irate.

How to score with a #Scorpio: Scorpio can read others like a book so be direct and honest. If they like you you’ll know.

As a #Scorpio,When it comes to the matter of physical love, you are inclined to want to "get on" with the matter.

As a #Scorpio,You love to create, solve and manage -- both the good and the bad. It's all for a reason.

As a #Scorpio,When the going is good, though, you will remember your friends with uncommon generosity and are quick to support charities.

As a #Scorpio man,You will repay your woman's loyalty with the kind of love most women only read about and wish for.

As a #Scorpio man,In a relationship with perfect understanding, you will be tender, sympathetic and considerate.

A #Scorpio man, is a lustful, sexy animal. Enjoys biting and sucking and is a master of oral sex. Inflicting pain turns him on.

As a #Scorpio,You feel like others do not really understand you and do not cooperate with you.

As a #Scorpio,Your jealousy, suspicions and domination is the small print for anyone who wants to tangle with you.

As a #Scorpio,You are magnetic and sexual no matter what you do, but this comes at a price.

#Scorpio deals with fear like a battle weary soldier. Fear is the mind killer.

#Scorpios,are sensitive, yes, weak, no. The three sides of a Scorpio personality are chiller, killer and thriller.

It's easy to offend a #Scorpio, but more difficult to see them react to it with how they are really feeling.

As a #Scorpio,Don't get the idea that you are invincible, as pride often comes before a fall.

As a #Scorpio,remember with great power comes a great need to control that power. Don't let your anger get the best of you.

The last thing that a #Scorpio wants to show is being out of control.

As a #Scorpio,When upset, you are angrier with yourself for having shown weakness.

As a #Scorpio, people say that anger sits on your nose and you are raring to give a piece of your mind to the first person who pushes you.

#Scorpios,get easily bored with a job that they think is not good enough or hard enough for them.

Your #Scorpio influence provokes you to be bold courageous, creative and scientific. Originality is almost always an outlet for success.

As a #Scorpio,By giving up the illusion of being able to control others emotionally, you are confronted with your own vulnerability.

When inquired, the #Scorpio will be the quickest at denying about having any sort of issue, before resuming to the same old routine.

As a #Scorpio,You are the symbol of courage and power, and this is certainly accompanied by foresight, intelligence and power.

Not many can keep up the vigor and enthusiasm in their sex lives the way #Scorpios can.

With a #Scorpio, It's like looking at the sun – you can’t look straight at it, or get too close.

#Scorpios, will fight the ego, assume the situation and do the needful.

With a #Scorpio,remember they give you the most honest compliment. There is no question of dilly-dallying with them.

When a #Scorpio want's something they simply sit back, watch (quite expertly), and then get it only when the moment is just right.

#Scorpios,have no sympathy or patience for whiners and people who are the authors of their own misfortune.

As a #Scorpio,You believe in expressing yourself with unfiltered truthfulness.
16 Apr Favorite Retweet Reply

ZodiacFacts ZodiacFact
#ZodiacFacts As a #Scorpio,You do not try to attract attention by your appearance, however you are careful about the way you look.

As a #Scorpio,You are not concerned about financial security but you are prudent.

As a #Scorpio, Don't keep secrets that can get you into trouble. Focus on home, family and all that's positive.

As a #Scorpio,Your ideal inner life is remarkably similar to the world that you want to create.

As a #Scorpio, If you were in charge, things would be very different. Your intentions are good, however your timing is not.

As a #Scorpio,your ability to be honest and up front with your feelings never seem to go unnoticed.

It may be difficult to approach a #Scorpio because they tend to not be outwardly expressive.

#Scorpios are reliable and faithful, which makes people with this sign good partners when they are handled with care.

With a #Scorpio,what you see is what you get,but sometimes their prickly traits are a cover for limitless devotion for those they care about

#Scorpios aren't above some subtle manipulation to get what they want, they'd much rather take a scientific,even mystical path.

There's no fluff or chatter for #Scorpios,either: these folks will zero in on the essential questions, gleaning the secrets that lie within.

The #Scorpio with inner security can let partners explore and remain receptive to their needs.

You'll find great love, feeling, desire and sensitivity when we probe the depths of mysterious #Scorpio.

#Scorpios are a mystery to humanity, shrouded in fear and misunderstanding.

Most #Scorpios, if they dare be so revealing, would confess of an ongoing internal conflict between two distinct aspects of their nature.

Whatever a #Scorpio does, they do with passion and enthusiasm. They are rarely wishy-washy about anything.

A #Scorpio,sometimes can become so immersed in their own lives that they aren't aware of the needs and interests of those around them.

#Scorpios,assertiveness attracts others who look to them for leadership and direction.

Scorpios,can clash, however with those who are also strong and competitive.

#Scorpios, have a clear sense of themselves and present a strong impression of who they are and what they want.

#Scorpios, feelings and perceptions are so deep they often can't find words to express them.

#Scorpios,tend to be standoffish and cautious until they get to know someone.

#Scorpios,Can't Get Enough of Anything that creates an air of mystery: big sunglasses, a sultry fragrance or a locked box.

If you know a #Scorpio romantically, dare to give a seductive gift.

When they're not keeping secrets, #Scorpios like to uncover them.

#Scorpios, sensitivity, and pride allow them to be easily hurt, quick to feel insulted,and easily roused to heights of anger.

#Scorpios,are serious folk, but quite charming to people they like, and when social events call for it.

#Scorpio imagination and intuition are excellent. They possess refined critical perception and strong analytical ability.

For a #Scorpio, it's their deep sensitivity that makes them the best and most loyal friend.

#Scorpio will rarely be found in the center of activity, but will always know just what is going on of concern to them.

Self contained and self centered, concentrated #Scorpios usually succeed in whatever they set out to accomplish.

The sign of cosmic purpose, #Scorpio is considered to be the success sign.

As a #Scorpio, Your best mood is the one where you're willing to give all that you have to tasks in hand.

As a #Scorpio,You are also analytical, skillful and patient, and have literary abilities and creative talents.

As a #Scorpio,Generally, people around you are quick to note that you have a keen and penetrating intellect, combined with great dynamism.

Besides, you can never keep a secret from a #Scorpio. They will eventually find out the truth. So, it's better to stay honest with them.

People love to be in a #Scorpios company and seek their help in resolving disputes.

#Scorpios are likable people. They have a high degree of self control.

#Scorpios, have the capacity to excel as financial advisers and stock brokers, as they do not hesitate to ask questions.

#Scorpios, are known to love devotedly and unconditionally.

#Scorpios,would fight against obstacles and never quit at a point when others would give up. Also, it's a bad idea to annoy a Scorpio.

#Scorpio is one of the strongest zodiac signs in astrology. It is ruled by Mars and Pluto.

As a #Scorpio,Your powerful Neptune influence makes you gifted mentally and psychically, but care must be taken to balance the two.

The psychology and personal nature of a #Scorpio lies hidden deep within an inner sanctum safe from the prying of the rest of the Zodiac.

#Scorpio is the collector of information whose eyes and mind can penetrate through the behavior of others without them even knowing it.

As a #Scorpio, You don't miss much that's going around you.Your wit is sharp, yet you are sensitive to the feelings of people you hold dear.

As a #Scorpio,You are one of the most observant people around, and your understanding of human nature belies your years in age.

As a #Scorpio,There is a mischievous playfulness about you, and you like to poke fun at more serious or pompous individuals.

As a #Scorpio, You are a persuasive, interesting, and clever person.

You will feel totally weak and helpless when followed by the eyes of a #Scorpio.

#Scorpios, always lead double lives one for the eyes of the world and another for themselves.

#Scorpios, worst fault is that they are too adaptable to the people with whom they come in contact.

#Scorpios, drive themselves hard, and usually drive others unmercifully.

In dangerous situations and in sudden crises #Scorpios remain cool and very determined.

Flattery is the most powerful weapon that can be used with the average #Scor­pio person.

#Scorpios, have a large self-esteem and approbativeness to match.

#Scorpios,are usually courteous and affable when not engaged in serious business; then they can be blunt to cruelty.

#Scorpios,are usually very well aware of their influence over those with whom they come in contact.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Keng Seng Primary. Missed those days. :)


We're young nation builders
Despite our tender age
And with Keng Seng as our pride
We shall make our nation great

We're children of today
And leaders of tomorrow
To work and serve with readiness
Will be our sacred motto

Strive, Keng Seng, strive
For success and improvement
In our beloved land
Of lovely Singapore

So to Keng Seng we shall turn
For guidance and for strength
That we may learn to serve
Our fellow countrymen.


Strive For Success!


Know our ambition
Enrich through reading
Nuture our minds
Grow towards Success

Strrive for excellence
Excel with pride
Note our strength
Give our best