Sunday, October 10, 2010

back from hk last night.
wayyyyy tired. didn't buy much. Hk isnt a good shopping place. at least for budget shoppers like us. hohohoho.
didn't spend alot. Trip itself was alright i guess.
Still, its probably not a place i would miss.
unlike Japannnnnn. xD

book in loh. :(

#Pisces's dependency is just what a #Scorpio is looking for. These two share a special communion.

# #Pisces Expectations: want their partner to have his or her own dreams and want their partner to give them space too

#Pisces Expectations: expect their partner to give them children.

#Pisces Expectations: they want their partner to protect them from any type of criticism.

A #Pisces can also find the right words to say when none seem to be appropriate.

A #Pisces two sides can drive even the most accommodating lover insane.

As a #Pisces you may be the hardest to pin down, but once love sinks its teeth into you, your heart turns to mush.

#Pisces are those who suffer keenly on behalf of those they love and no sacrifice is too great for them to make.

As a #Pisces they should know that they are capable of attaining their goals in life.

Pisces is "double-bodied"-that is, it contains within itself a dual quality something like the "duplex complex".

# A #Pisces can live in two realities at one time.

The absolute tenderness of the #Pisces heart is their biggest secret, especially if they are of the male Pisces variety.

It’s not enough for a #Pisces to share a roof and a bed; they want to share the soul as well.

# Sometimes #Pisces are so scared of losing the fairy-tale romance that they ruin the happy ending themselves.

One of #Pisces least appetizing traits is their ability to become very, very jealous.

If you’re looking for someone who will go the extra mile to discover all your secret moan zones, then a #Pisces is for you.

#Pisces can often become victims of self-induced acts of personal sabotage

#Pisces must learn to swim without getting lost rather than flowing upstream and downstream

In a #Pisces we learn how to fulfill our emotional desires by finding unity within ourselves

# As a #Pisces don’t let your compassionate side override your strong intuition; everyone doesn’t always mean you well.

As a #Pisces don’t become easily hurt by criticize; check your sensitivity.

As a #Pisces focus more on the real, rather than the ideal.

# #Scorpio Expectations: partner to show genuine tenderness towards him or her

#Scorpio Expectations: like their partner to demonstrate unconditional love towards them

#Scorpio Expectations: expect their partner to acknowledge that they are lucky to be in their life.

#Scorpios can bring great happiness to everyone around them.

#Scorpios are evaluating and manipulating at the same time drawing people into their inner circle quickly and efficiently.

One of the most rewarding and yet dangerous lovers to become involved with is a #Scorpio.

# A #Scorpios problem is to learn to judge less severely and to be more constructive in their criticism.

When people do not live up to their ideals, #Scorpios can be extremely critical.

The #Scorpio sign, the most mysterious and difficult to understand of the twelve, presents a challenge to astrologers.

# For a #Scorpio, everything is a secret, and they really want to keep it that way.

Sexuality is one of the main ways that a #Scorpio demonstrates love and passion, and without it they will not feel complete.

A #Scorpio must feel that they can trust their lover completely before they surrender body, mind, and soul to their partner

# #Scorpios are very good at putting on a straight face to cover up any emotion they are feeling.

You may never really know what your #Scorpio is thinking though, because to them, Knowledge is power.

#Scorpios can be relied on to always be there for you if you need them.

# In our daily life, #Scorpio's territory is money, sex and power
Some #Scorpio's live in fear, using their energy selfishly and seek to destroy others

A #Scorpio's role is to find out what is going on within their emotional body and then become at peace with it.

# As a #Scorpio focus on sharing your talents in social media, instead of always exposing others.

As a #Scorpio learn to put your impulse-driven characteristics in park sometimes

Truth and commitment are important to #Scorpio personalities

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