Thursday, October 14, 2010

# To swim up­stream is the challenge of a #Pisces-and the only way they will ever find true peace and happiness.

There's little worldly ambition in a #Pisces.

The more creative and artistic, the more leisurely and esoteric the surround­ings, the more #Pisces you will find.

Whoever said, "I don't want to be a millionaire-I just want to live like one," was truly reflecting the #Pisces philosophy.

# Be on guard with all #Scorpios

It's important to remember that there is a particular type of #Scorpio who moves and speaks rather quickly.

You'll sel­dom see a #Scorpio give themselves away by blushing or flushing, frowning or grinning.

Most #Scorpios have powerful physiques.

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