Thursday, November 25, 2010

4th month baka! ♥
cant get to see you on this 25th again.
next mth on xmas.
dreamt of you calling me during my nap. A dream in a dream. I missed your call and couldn't call you back because it was a weird number. with only 1s and 0s. :(
hope everything is fine at fieldcamp. miss you ♥

This can be a match made in heaven. Though a little uncomfortable for Pisces, this pairing allows her to worry, fret and make the kind of little sacrifices she finds natural. She brings out the very best in the Scorpio man, too. He’ll be protective and compassionate. These two are likely to become securely and deeply bonded. What more could two Water signs ask for?

How to Attract a Pisces Woman as a Scorpio Man: This is one occasion when you can put on your George of the Jungle outfit and be a he man. This lady is fraught with nerves, usually a bit lost, and often desperately in need of a strong sense of guidance from a caring other (that would be you!). Notice the peril du jour and help her with some good advice. Call her back the next day to find out if things went okay and give her some more good advice. You may wind up handling it for her, and this will cement your relationship solidly. The eight words any Pisces woman wants to hear: Why don’t you let me worry about that?

How to Attract a Scorpio Man as a Pisces Woman: It’s okay to be a little bit helpless. Being soulful is a plus, as well. Scorpio wants to feel feelings no matter what they are, so you can completely be yourself. It doesn’t matter whether your feeling is fear, ecstasy, or anything in between. Just show some emotion.

Degree of Romance: Pisces brings out the romance in anybody. And
Scorpio is more than willing to play the gallant role as the relationship deepens. Each partner is likely to hear expressions of love in ways they had only dreamed of before. Both parties use body language and eye contact to get their point across with sublime timing. The Pisces woman is able to anticipate Scorpio’s needs. Not only that but she does it in a delightfully feminine and romantic way.

Degree of Passion: This is one relationship where Scorpio is willing to show his tumultuous passions. Pisces provides the oceanic depths for him to float on comfortably. He will be willing to reveal layer upon layer of feeling which he usually keeps to himself. His guard drops as she soothes and comforts him, reassuring the scorpion that all his secrets are fine with her. As his fears alleviate, his behavior becomes increasingly more romantic and passionate.

Degree of Friendship: This relationship is gender specific. The Scorpio man will be very manly. A Pisces woman will be very feminine. This polarization does not lend itself very well to friendship or equality, but it is a positive bond between the two.

Degree of Marriage: This is an excellent opportunity for marriage. Creating a home with emotional and financial security will be their foremost accomplishment. Both signs make good parents. Pisces is never really completely loyal to anybody, but a Scorpio man who is in love will overlook anything.

Progression of Relationship: When two water signs get together, they begin by testing the waters. Scorpio especially will try and find out how deep he can go without getting rejected or hurt. As Pisces passes the test, he’ll relax and reveal himself, drawing the two closer. Gradually a bond is forged. It is almost unbreakable. These two can create a real sense of intimacy and abiding trust.

Sex: Sex is an important way of communicating between two water signs. Neither Pisces nor Scorpio is particularly verbal. Both are tuned in to vibes and feelings. This gives love making a lilting quality where needs are responded to instinctively. Sex can be used as a form of communion and is definitely a way to draw closer together. It is likely to be a lifelong attraction between these two because the sex is so emotionally safe.

When It’s Over: It’s very sad if this relationship ends. Neither sign ever wants to end anything. Scorpio will remain protective even through a break up, and Pisces will never get over it. This is a combination that may break up and get back together numerous times (note the famous couple listed above).

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