Tuesday, November 23, 2010

As a #Pisces female selfless care is what your partner gets from you.

The #Pisces woman is the complete romantic and one who is known to sacrifice everything for love

The Pisces woman can be quite an enigma since the more you try to characterize her, then the more elusive she becomes.

As a #Scorpio male you should avoid suspecting your partner of cheating as it may crate a barrier between you and your partner.

# As a #Scorpio your need for constant reassurance about every little thing can become a problem.

As a #Scorpio you are always looking for a problem that's not there.

As a #Scorpio do not let your insecurities get in the way of your relationship.

The Pisces woman is somewhat angelic and fascinating because of her appearance of native mystery. Her deep eyes seem to look into worlds that are beyond our imagination. They are wistful, filled with an angelic desire.

The Pisces woman is not very talkative and when she talks, the meanings are always confusing, dual, incomplete, as if she expected somebody else to clear them. Appreciate this personal charm of hers, but keep your eyes wide open because most certainly there is a pain or a wounded sensitiveness there, something that she hasn’t told anyone.

The Pisces woman is the woman of romanticism and all love stories in the world. You can find confusions and tiredness, but also dreams and all possible discretion in her. She never lies, because she herself can’t see the line of demarcation between truth and lies, as she is always careful not to reveal her inner world or expose it to attacks or offence.

The Pisces woman seems to oppose a suitor that comes from an unexpected direction, but in reality, she is afraid of what she doesn’t know. She can find herself guilty every day while she is in fact waiting for compliments and proofs that you still love and want her.

From the erotic point of view, the Pisces woman struggles between the fear of committing a sin and the fear of being deserted, this being the reason for which love is always a fascinating novelty for her.

This appearance of purity, the nostalgic mood and the miracle of being very feminine are, for someone who knows people very well and especially for the man who really knows how to discover a woman, the trump cards of a couple whose union reflects in an earthly and mystic love at the same time. This love can make your relationship last forever and can help you pass the limits of the mere mating.

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