Monday, November 22, 2010

# As a #Pisces in a less than perfect relationship, you tend to give until it hurts.

As a #Pisces you're most attracted to someone who will take care of you and make you feel safe all the time.

As an #Pisces you are very giving so giving that you occasionally get taken advantage of and it's not right.

# As a #Pisces if your friend tells you something outrageous, you tend to believe them and not question what they said.

As a #Pisces you have to avoid salespeople. They're good at persuading you to make purchases you later regret.

As a #Pisces you're not entirely sure what your life goals are yet

As a #Pisces you tend to be oblivious to office politics and fights your friends might be having with each other.

# As a #Scorpio you try so hard to control something that you eventually end up losing it.

As a #Scorpio once you've made up your mind, you won't change it. Period. The sky could be falling and you still won't budge.

As a #Scorpio you've got one hell of a temper, and everyone knows it. This is something you must learn to control at all cost.

# As a #Scorpio you tend to be very jealous in relationships. You don't like your partner spending time with anyone else.

As a #Scorpio you love competition and a challenge even in the bedroom.

As a #Scorpio you see projects and goals to the end, even if you are bored with them

As a #Scorpio People have often called you "an enigma" or "hard to figure out."

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