Monday, November 29, 2010

# The #Pisces can be a compassionate lover, and sympathy for the other person may cause a relationship to not end when it should

A #Pisces can always be counted on to treat every little cause as something to be rallied around.

A #Pisces can see things from their partner's eyes, which can be a benefit when finding a compromise.

# At the very least, you can bet a #Pisces will want to help you out in your time of need.

With a #Pisces their tendency to want to make you feel good, they may say what they think you want to hear

However, a #Pisces is a perceptive, and oftentimes wise sign.

#Pisces tends to feel you out when you ask them for advice.

If at first the #Scorpio doesn't succeed, it only makes him or her more determined to try again and try harder.

In business dealings, a #Scorpio can use his or her ability to intimidate others as a strength.

#Scorpio, the survivor, can handle the rug being pulled out from under him or her.

# Remember that a #Scorpio most likely has an agenda when giving you advice, and may not have your best interests at heart.

Trust a #Scorpio to bring you down to earth if your head is in the clouds.

Turn to a #Scorpio when you want to get to the heart of a problem and figure out motivations.

#Scorpio advice can be biting and incisive.

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