Wednesday, November 3, 2010

# A #Pisces needs to look at a broader, more inclusive view of a problem rather than focus solely on its core.

Problem solving can be a challenge for a #Pisces

# As a #Pisces when you decide to help, know when to say I have done all I can, I am sorry.

As a #Pisces you must learn that everyone’s problem can’t become your problem too.

# A #Scorpio prides themselves on being skeptical, simply because they find skepticism so difficult.

#Scorpio will grab the one “most important” thing, latch on to it, and make it the predominate focus in their world.

# Most #Scorpios personal life is held close to the vest, not many people are allowed to know about them too well

#Scorpio's cover their eyes and the cause is the secrets they keep, theirs and everyone else's.

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