Thursday, December 30, 2010

# As a #Pisces when your patience is exhausted, you can become so provoked that it is impossible to calm you down.

As a #Pisces you are never confrontational. Your dislike of struggle often makes you indecisive in thinking and acting.

# #Pisces have intellect, but to them intellect is only a means by which they can rationalize what they know intuitively.

If you think that money or status or worldly success are the only goals in life, then you will never understand a #Pisces.

#Scorpios would rather remain silent than give a watered down version of your true opinions and emotions.

As a #Scorpio sometimes your desire to do everything perfectly makes you overwork yourself.

# #Scorpios understanding of life (including life's weaknesses) makes them powerful in all senses of the word.

Some people think that change means altering just their appearance, but this is not the kind that interests a #Scorpio.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

#Pisces people are usually known for being easy to talk to and for their calm reaction to everything

# A #Pisces ability to read other people’s emotion helps them use and abuse their victims.

#Pisces is the most addictive sign of the Zodiac.

# #Pisces often become afraid of what they see because they don’t understand what is happening to them.

If you are a #Pisces, your peers are likely to see you as shy, idealistic, dreamy and kind, but at the same time impractical.

# Problems and obstacles which provide hours of frustration for a normal sign just don't seem to bother the #Pisces sign.

After midnight,most #Pisces begin to shine.Something about the darkest hours of the night really brings about a change in them.

#Pisces have a special flavor, a flavor that attracts everyone, but no one can seem to get a handle on it.

# #Scorpios have a strong desire for power and a fear of others having power over them.

#Scorpios either represent the height of integrity or the depth of diabolical cunning.

#Scorpios have great wisdom and are often sought as life guides, even as gurus for those who need any type of advice.

# As a #Scorpio although people may dislike you,your personality is such that it draws people in whether they want to be or not.

Some #Scorpios tend to bury their insecurities rather than confront them, and become introverted as a result.

# As a #Scorpio whatever you involve yourself in tends to be of serious consequence: you rarely take matters lightly.

Strong-willed a #Scorpio's heart is closed to all but an intimate few

It's the allure of secrecy and mystery that catches a #Scorpios attention. Scorpios love it when you play hard to get.

Scorpio and Pisces are able to have a depth of sharing and intimacy and emotional union that you will find with few others.

Monday, December 27, 2010

#Pisces usually find it more important to be true to what they feel rather than making other kinds of assumptions about someone

#Pisces are often sentimental connotations to the things they do.

#Pisces feel very deeply about other people as they do not have a strong sense of separation and individuality.

Scorpio is a fixed-water sign,and to say they have a reputation for beingdifficult to relaxaround is probably an understatement

#Scorpios can be very plain in their speech, even blunt, sometimes sarcastic and often forceful.

#Scorpios are prone to having an inner self destruct button, which they push compulsively from time to time.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

# #Pisces are humble, discreet, and caring, and sometimes they prove themselves to be very talented in music.

#Pisces are more charitable and self-sacrificing, and take it so far that they can hurt themselves in the process.

As a #Pisces it represents everything that is kept hidden, both good and bad.

#Pisces are never egotistical in their personal relationships and give more than they ask from their friends.

#Pisces tend to withdraw into a dream world where their qualities can bring mental satisfaction and sometimes fame.

#Pisces patiently wait for problems to sort themselves out rather than take the initiative in solving them.

As a #Pisces both Jupiter and Neptune lend their energies to expanding the imagination and letting your feelings run free.

Sensitive, imaginative, intuitive - but indecisive, changeable and unrealistic too and that's what #Pisces is and more

As a #Pisces you have a way with words and images and associations that they bring to mind which is the best in the zodiac.

#Pisces are easy to impress and lack logic and consistency with everyone around them.

#Pisces should fight and defend themselves from severe criticism of those who do not understand their mystic world.

When under negative influence of Neptune, #Pisces tend to live in an isolated world of pretence and illusions.

There is a part of a #Pisces that can hurt you and it can emerge seemingly out of nowhere.

Pisces guide their lives with their feelings.They enter your world effortlessly,making it theirs for the time they are with you

All water signs change according to their surroundings but none of them are as fluid about it as a #Pisces.

A #Pisces can enter a bus feeling perfectly fine and leave the bus with a headache and a low level anxiety and have no idea why

#Pisces emotions are the most valuable to them and they will do what ever it takes to avoid emotional pain.

However do not be fooled by a #Pisces weaknesses for they are excessively intuitive and observant of what you do.

#Pisces is worthy of getting to know; a tad bit insecure inside.They are the kind of boss who will never yell at you.

As #Pisces you get stuck in what you wish could happen and lose track of reality, and when you go back, everything is a mess.

#Pisces, like the month of March, is half cold, half melting when it comes to facing issues.

The psychology of the #Pisces sign involves the need to surrender to nothing or everything in life.

In the #Pisces sign,there is the opportunity for all karmas (potential consequences of past actions, desires, and thoughts).

#Scorpios will never accept just being part of the crowd, and definitely will not let anyone else win.

#Scorpios are tactical and prefer not to be in the spotlight, making this sign completely different from the other signs.

#Scorpios don’t like leaving other people in charge. They are determined to be the leader not the follower.

# #Scorpios need great self-discipline, because they are able to recognize the qualities in themselves that makes them different.

As a #Scorpio you should try not to be scornful of what you perceive as a shortcoming in your partners personality

#Scorpios are too demanding, too unforgiving of faults in others.

# #Scorpios are different from other Water signs in that they are more intense, more powerful, more concentrated in every way.

As a #Scorpio you show feelings which are appropriate to the situation,but your real feelings are a long way behind those.

A #Scorpio want the real stuff the invisible,string-pulling, controlling sort of power that makes people move when you use it

# All astrologers agree that #Scorpio is the sexiest of all the zodiac signs, which may be why they are so desperate to find love

#Scorpios are very emotional people, who need love, crave, fight and ask for it.

As a #Scorpio Before gaining the winner's laurel,and inner tranquility, they need to win the fight with themselves first.

# The real motivation of a #Scorpio is to find the part of them that they feel is too dark for others to handle.

#Scorpios hate public display and have a need for privacy that surpasses any other sign.

Catching lies is a pastime for the #Scorpio and it's never shocking for them,they expect you to withhold some of the truth.

#Scorpios enter this life with a sense of impending danger and therefore assume the worst in every situation.

# #Scorpio, of course, wants nothing but the best, so winners only need apply with this sign.

A challenge is something which makes the #Scorpio swoon the prospect of someone who can test them, who can make the game fun

#Scorpios are one sign you do not want to piss off.They can be prone to nastiness, controlling behavior, and cruelty.

#Scorpios are one of the harshest and angriest of the ZodiacSigns.

#Scorpios consider their lives to be a desperate fight with the inner "self", as well as with the whole world.

#Scorpio is the “socialist” of the zodiac as well as the “mutual fund.”

Some vital qualities and attributes of the #Scorpio sign are: power issues, risk taking, and breaking taboos.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

# As a #Pisces the emotions with which you feel most in tune with are compassion, understanding, and universal love.

Sometimes for a #Pisces, it is a fine line between rising above difficult issues and merely avoiding them.

As a #Pisces you know that the human perspective is not the entire picture;this is both your blessing and your downfall.

#Scorpios explore whatever is taboo, off-limits, or unacknowledged in society.

The problem is that emotions are by nature fluid things, but #Scorpio needs to hang onto them and secure them.

Being a fixed water sign means that #Scorpio is always trying to secure and maintain its identity through emotion

Thursday, December 16, 2010

# #Pisces symbolizes the poignant endings of conditions that have already peaked and are now preparing to break down and dissolve

#Pisces has the most unguarded ego of all, and thus it is highly vulnerable to outer invasion especially the energies of others

#Pisces as a hypnotic sign lures us into its powerful vortex to strip us of all the trappings of ego and selfish,worldly desire

# The sarcasm of a #Pisces is not always direct and so it generally passes unnoticed.

#Pisces are compassionate unless pushed to the wall and then can quickly turn very caustic

#Pisces are not initiators, but rather allow circumstances and events to motivate a response.

A #Scorpio can be riddled with deep insecurity, the kind that makes its world appear untrustworthy.

# #Scorpio keeps its power-packed emotions under lock and key, and that alone can make others feel suspicious and uneasy

Being a water sign, the #Scorpio views itself more as a sensitive soul who’s commonly misunderstood by others.

# #Scorpios sensitivity makes them the most loyal friends, but the same quality also makes them the most treacherous of enemies.

#Scorpios are rarely found in the center of the activity, but will always know what is going on out of concern.

#Scorpios have a self-destructive streak along with an unreasoning temper that can be triggered at the slightest provocation

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

# A #Pisces goal is not to figure out whether anything was morally correct, but merely to understand why it happened the way it

s Instead of judging a situation, the first thing a #Pisces do is to analyze it

#Pisces use compassion to deal with most situations

# Nobody can outsmart the Pisces in understanding human nature, emotions and relationships.

#Pisces tendency to over-analyze is just a very practical way of utilizing their receptiveness and acute sensitivity.

#Pisces appear very easy-going and lenient on the outside but they feel like royalty within.

# Those born under the #Pisces sign do not demand quite so much as they give.

It is almost impossible for the average #Pisces person to acknowledge a flaw in the person cared for

#Pisces are prone to have too much confidence in the words and promises of those they love.

# A #Pisces could improve on The "get you before you get me" mentality.

#Pisces may from time to time take on the feelings of others not even knowing they are doing this.

#Pisces like to know where they stand with others. If they have to resort to some sort of deception to find out they will do it

# A position of leadership is generally not in the cards for a #Pisces.

There is little you can do to change a #Pisces or their soft heart.

#Pisces have a propensity to wander off into an imaginary happy place when they are not grounded by someone close to them.

Because of a #Scorpios loner nature and rebellious tendencies, they often become victims to slander.

#Scorpios think much more than they speak and have the sharp ability to distinguish between truths and lies

#Scorpios believe in freedom of affection and sexual expression towards the one they love.

# In terms of love, #Scorpios would rather suffer in solitude than settle for a shoddy option

For #Scorpios quality is much more valuable than quantity.

#Scorpios have very high expectations for their friends

# Flattery is the most powerful weapon that can be used with the average #Scor­pio person. PERSONAL APPEARANCE

#Scorpios have large self-esteem and approbativeness to match

A #Scorpios touch is so firm and delicate, their ob­servation so keen, and their poise so perfect.

# #Scorpios like to know what to expect, because to a scorpio, a changing work place means constantly adjusting their attitudes

#Scorpios are interested in playing mind games with people.

As a #Scorpio become more active in activities rather than in "love play" with a partner.

# Many #Scorpios have hobbies and character traits that others would consider to be "dark."

A #Scorpio likes to know how people work.what makes them tick. This is how a Scorpio feels he/she is getting to know themselves

#Scorpio likes to have answers to their questions. Even if that question is just a wonder

Both Scorpio and #Pisces have to dig deep into their vast wells of emotion and put them out in the open.

#Scorpio and #Pisces relationship and understanding of each other will be so strong making it work should be easy.

Monday, December 6, 2010

# As a #Pisces you use the best of circumstances to great advantage

As a #Pisces by and large, you are sweet tempered and social.

As a #Pisces usually, you are courteous and hospitable, helpful and humane, and you cannot harm any one even if you try.

# #Scorpios really don’t give up, if you happen to be what he or she wants, they will get you.

When a #Scorpio want something or someone, they won’t run and grab it right then and there.

#Scorpios are moved by the power, that’s their main motivation, not money, or leadership.

# As a #Scorpio in fact even when you're in a war like mood your productivity remains unaffected.

As a #Scorpio people around you are quick to note that you have a keen and penetrating intellect, combined with great dynamism.

As a #Scorpio subtle strategies and conspiracies hold a special fascination for you.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Can't believe im still so sleepy after sleeping so much tdy. yawnnnn~
bakaaa faster book out again ♥
#Pisces likes to be with those who “get” them. That means people who understand their often pulled in many directions.

It’s best to meet a #Pisces in a place where you can be totally present to the mystery of the Other.

Don't be too materialistic with a #Pisces.

#Pisces are compassionate unless pushed to the wall, when they can be very caustic.

#Pisces are always torn between choices whether to seek the light or sink into the darkness.

The #Pisces Sign brings together many of the characteristics of the eleven Signs preceeding it.

# Don't ask too many personal questions in the beginning with a #Scorpio it's a major turnoff for them.

Check your motives for getting together with a #Scorpio. If they involve using a #Scorpio in any way, better think twice.

Don't underestimate a #Scorpios ability to get their way.

# A #Scorpios planetary combination makes them motivated, penetrating and much focused on knowing who's who and what's what

The desire to avenge or take revenge or get even runs deep in a #Scorpio.

Serious, fearless, stubborn at times, intense and passionate, of the #Scoprio sign are not to be taken lightly.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

# As a #Pisces your words become famous because it says aloud those thoughts and feelings that haunt the rest of us.

Don't be too quick to judge a #Pisces. Appearances are truly deceiving with this deep and sensitive sign.

One way or another, you’re bound to wind up feeling guilty for having wronged a #Pisces.

# #Scorpios figure you deserve whatever they can think of to do to you.

In business, a #Scorpio will respect you if you are honest and competent.

#Scorpios are capable of subtle maneuvers at psychological manipulation in defending what they believe to be theirs