Tuesday, December 14, 2010

# A #Pisces goal is not to figure out whether anything was morally correct, but merely to understand why it happened the way it

s Instead of judging a situation, the first thing a #Pisces do is to analyze it

#Pisces use compassion to deal with most situations

# Nobody can outsmart the Pisces in understanding human nature, emotions and relationships.

#Pisces tendency to over-analyze is just a very practical way of utilizing their receptiveness and acute sensitivity.

#Pisces appear very easy-going and lenient on the outside but they feel like royalty within.

# Those born under the #Pisces sign do not demand quite so much as they give.

It is almost impossible for the average #Pisces person to acknowledge a flaw in the person cared for

#Pisces are prone to have too much confidence in the words and promises of those they love.

# A #Pisces could improve on The "get you before you get me" mentality.

#Pisces may from time to time take on the feelings of others not even knowing they are doing this.

#Pisces like to know where they stand with others. If they have to resort to some sort of deception to find out they will do it

# A position of leadership is generally not in the cards for a #Pisces.

There is little you can do to change a #Pisces or their soft heart.

#Pisces have a propensity to wander off into an imaginary happy place when they are not grounded by someone close to them.

Because of a #Scorpios loner nature and rebellious tendencies, they often become victims to slander.

#Scorpios think much more than they speak and have the sharp ability to distinguish between truths and lies

#Scorpios believe in freedom of affection and sexual expression towards the one they love.

# In terms of love, #Scorpios would rather suffer in solitude than settle for a shoddy option

For #Scorpios quality is much more valuable than quantity.

#Scorpios have very high expectations for their friends

# Flattery is the most powerful weapon that can be used with the average #Scor­pio person. PERSONAL APPEARANCE

#Scorpios have large self-esteem and approbativeness to match

A #Scorpios touch is so firm and delicate, their ob­servation so keen, and their poise so perfect.

# #Scorpios like to know what to expect, because to a scorpio, a changing work place means constantly adjusting their attitudes

#Scorpios are interested in playing mind games with people.

As a #Scorpio become more active in activities rather than in "love play" with a partner.

# Many #Scorpios have hobbies and character traits that others would consider to be "dark."

A #Scorpio likes to know how people work.what makes them tick. This is how a Scorpio feels he/she is getting to know themselves

#Scorpio likes to have answers to their questions. Even if that question is just a wonder

Both Scorpio and #Pisces have to dig deep into their vast wells of emotion and put them out in the open.

#Scorpio and #Pisces relationship and understanding of each other will be so strong making it work should be easy.

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