Monday, January 31, 2011

# #Pisces take all emotional involvement seriously. They give 100% all the time and don't speak 50% from you.

#Pisces are very proud people. They are not cocky, nor do they go around boasting of their conquests and masterpieces.

# As a #Pisces with your deep compassion and inbred wisdom, you know how to handle matters of the heart.

As a #Pisces your confusion can put you at a disadvantage with those who you love.

As a #Pisces your motto might be "Reality is just a shared illusion," and, in a higher sense this may be true.

# #Pisces tend over commit themselves. They want to help everyone but they need to manage how to say no sometimes. Just say no.

#Pisces must learn there is a time and a place for protecting others and there’s a time when the truth is ultimately kinder.

#Pisces end up protecting themselves behind walls for their own safety. They don't care if people really understand them.

# As a #Pisces your intuition can pick up on the thoughts of those around you.Be sure not to let this cloud your own decisions.

As a #Pisces you are not so outgoing that you will push yourself upon people. You are the type to wait and watch with people.

As a #Pisces you don't ask for too much out of life and won't boast about your accomplishments.

# #Pisces are believers. They believe in everything such as Fate, Destiny, and Karma, but they need to believe in themselves.

If you're sick, sad or broke, #Pisces are more likely to come to your rescue without judgement.

#Pisces have alot of ideas and enthusiasm, but can lack the drive. They just need to focus on the prize at hand.

# As a #Pisces learn your limits,Pisces,or you'll end up burdened and resentful. Learn to let people solve things for themselves.

As a #Pisces knowing when to stay and when to leave may be a lifelong challenge for you.

As a #Pisces you'll find the beauty where others see only ugliness, giving you a cutting-edge lens on the world.

# A #Pisces must try to become more organized and determined in everything they do.

If a #Pisces really want to reach something, they should stop playing this hide-and-seek game with their two personalities.

#Pisces intellect wavers like flame:first it is sparkling,bright and witty,then,on the contrary,languid,melancholic,and sleepy.

# #Pisces admire people who are receptive, industrious, conscientious, economical, domestic,sociable, sympathetic and protective.

Since #Pisces are ruled by Neptune,the planet of illusion and mystery,their personality is elusive and even harder to define.

With a #Pisces they strive to create a world that comes closer to their own unique vision.

# Dreams are important to a #Pisces and they are always slightly in danger of confusing them with reality.

On the down side,a Pisces can avoid conflict to the point of lying and hiding emotions in order to keep things running smoothly

#Pisces are capable of great sacrifice and hard work in the service of a cause or an ideal.

#Pisces can look beneath the surface and make those they love feel they are truly understood.

# Pisces make great friends as they will also try to keep situations light and happy,working hard to cheer up those who are down

#Pisces feel things that normal people only have nightmares about. At any rate, life with a Pisces will never be dull.

#Scorpio and #Pisces "connect" in a way that few other combinations of signs can.

# Think of #Scorpios like an iceberg, you only see a little bit of the surface and everything else is hidden in the depths.

If you were to let any astrology sign take control, let it be the #Scorpios because they are very good at it

# #Scorpios are different from the other zodiac signs and this difference has them walking,working and loving to a different beat

#Scorpios biggest challenge and test in life is choosing between the power of love and the love of power.

#Scorpios often know all the answers, except sometimes;they too often have difficulty finding what they need to be happy.

# #Scorpios know that most people don’t have the strength, knowledge, nor stamina to compete with them.

#Scorpios only become sneaking and secretive as a way of self-protection.

#Scorpios probably know you better then you know yourself. If you think they don't know when something is wrong think again.

# #Scorpios are all-or-nothing people, a Scorpio will never be wishy-washy, they are very intense.

As a #Scorpio you always have to have the last word. With a Scorpio it's a tug of war with emotions.

As a #Scorpio you would rather remain silent, then to give a watered down version of your thoughts.

# A #Scorpio always get what they want which means they will get the money, cars, anything you can imagine they will have it.

#Scorpios always come off best in any confrontation. Nothing u say will get to them. You lose they win like always.

# As a #Scorpio In affairs of the heart,you're decidedly security-minded.It's hard for you to let someone into your trust circle

As a #Scorpio unfortunately, you're the one who suffers most from such grudges, as they tend to consume your thoughts.

As a #Scorpio being resourceful to the 9th degree, you know how to make something from virtually nothing.

# #Scorpios do not go to any lengths to please people that do not like them.You either hate or love them they could care less.

#Scorpios are smart enough to choose a person with whom they are compatible mentally.

#Scorpios have certain experience, which helps not only to satisfy a desire, but also to please a partner.

# #Scorpios can be at the same time powerful and weak, independent and clingy, passionate and cold at the same time.

As a #Scorpio you can really get to people's feelings and desires.

As a #Scorpio when you serve others and forget yourself you are truly dynamic.

# As a #Scorpio It would be good for you to work at being cooperative. Scorpio is the mystery sign of the zodiac.

Career changes late in life are not uncommon for a Scorpio.They are goaloriented and almost always manage to get what they want

Exciting and mysterious, a #Scorpio can easily be so irresistible that a little jealousy is actually flattering.

#Scorpios just care more about things than most people. They need, above all, something they feel passionate about to focus on

#Scorpios are very intuitive, often able to read vibes and signs their partner has no idea they are even giving off.

Those with #Scorpio characteristics struggle to accept help from others,instead they want to solve issues on their own.

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