Monday, January 3, 2011

# A #Pisces woman has her negative points, to be sure, but at first glance she’s every man’s grade school valentine.

Very little will excite a #Pisces to violent action or reaction.

There’s also an intuitive knowledge of yesterday and a gentle tolerance of today with a #Pisces.

# As a #Pisces you help those emotionally cold people get in touch with themselves and feel what they're missing.

As a #Pisces you can entertain, write, draw, paint,you inspire others and amaze them with your creative talents.

As a #Pisces deal with situations head on, know that you are smart and creative, and use your imagination to problem solve.

As a #Pisces you can't live life invisible and constantly run away from your problems because these problems don't go away.

# As a #Pisces sometimes you’re a very emotional person so you need the support of people to allow you to express this.

As a #Pisces nevertheless your instincts are powerful and more often than not correct.

As a #Pisces using your emotions and your deeper intuitive powers is the way you prefer to resolve your life problems.

Sometimes a #Scorpio faces the public, wearing a mask of calm reserve and control, to hide the intense desire to win.

#Scorpio naturally attracts either fiercely loyal and dedicated admirers, or envious and spiteful enemies

When a #Scorpio says something nice to you, treasure it. You can be sure it’s sincere and unvarnished.

# As a #Scorpio you are very secretive and do not let people get too close to you yet you want to get close to the other person.

As a #Scorpio you are so skeptical that you are constantly subjecting your friends through 'trust' tests to see if they pass

As a #Scorpio be careful not to misuse your powers of persuasion and don't go and sting everyone because karma will come back.

As a #Scorpio you are power hungry, but not in a look-at-me sort of way, more like underlying power knowing you will win.

# As a #Scorpio your eyes do plenty of communicating for you — they can express the full range of your emotional states.

As a #Scorpio people can see you as insensitive to others’ needs, even obsessive, because you push forward so single-mindedly.

As a #Scorpio time is of no consequence to you when it comes to wreaking vengeance.

Pisces females need a man--a real man who protects and leads

It takes a while for the sensitive #Pisces to relax. That's why foreplay takes extra long with them.

#Pisces are the peacekeepers.

Sex is a big deal to #Pisces because their whole soul connects during it.

#Pisces easily pick up the good vibes and bad moods from their partner. They are sensitive like that.

#Scorpio has the best chance of becoming a genius over the other signs, if they not already are ;)

You are in for a real treat when you take a #Scorpio home.

#Scorpio Strengths: Intense, powerful, transforming

#Scorpio's have a iron-hard skin but possess much sensitivity.

In their friendship a #Pisces offers gentleness, kindness and sympathy which a #Scorpio admires and appreciates.

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