Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Water Signs #Cancer, #Scorpio and #Pisces, have to work harder than other elements to maintain their personal boundaries.

The Water Signs #Cancer,#Scorpio,and #Pisces have a special sensitivity in relationships, knowing when to show warmth and when to hold back.

#Scorpio and #Pisces compatibility is one of the best of all possible matches and this could easily lead to love, marriage,and children.

In the relationship a #Pisces is like a circle with no corners, while #Scorpio's emotional life is full of sharp edges.

#Pisces Rising,lesson in life is to learn to live their life rather than to dream it away.

The typical #Pisces Rising can seem to be a different person today than they were yesterday

If you look in the dictionary under "wistful," there will be a photo of #Pisces Venus as the definition.

#Pisces Venus is compassionate and sensitive. They have a sense of humor in love, but often suffer ups and down in their mood.

#Pisces Venus wants their partner to know that they love unconditionally. They don't care about status; they just care about what is inside.

#Pisces Moon Sign tries to avoid the mundane details of life. They are curious, almost to the point of recklessness

Moon in #Pisces can be one of the most appealing, sociable, entertaining and humorous of all the signs.

#Pisces Moon appears to know all the nuances of human behavior. Also You change your mind easily, and to some, this makes you unreliable.

#Pisces, are here to bring color and fantasy into the world. They are here to lighten up even the darkest moments in our lives.

With a #Pisces, even if they don’t know the details or whether they understand them or not, they pick up on the vibes.

One look into a #Pisces eyes is likely to have you captivated, falling in love with them at first sight.

#Pisces, often exhibit a gentle, patient nature, but one that is in want of inspiration.

Being both optimistic and cynical, #Pisces find it difficult to make up their minds on any issue.

#Pisces,dreamy and impractical natures can be a source of distress to those close to them.

#Pisces have an uncanny ability to nurture and support which is directly related to their powerful intuition.

#Pisces, are sensitive and instinctual rather than bookish or mechanical.

#Pisces,imagination allows for a highly intuitive and creative talent that they use with little concern for their daily existence.

Male or female, #Pisces are sweet,sentimental and exceptionally idealistic. It's very difficult to dislike a #Pisces.

#Pisces morph to fit the situations in which they find themselves and can therefore sometimes lack a defined sense of identity.

A #Pisces is really gentle, sensitive and empathetic, with a seemingly boundless compassion for others.

A #Pisces, connection to the spiritual realms inspires creativity, and they are often artistic, with vivid imaginations.

Even though #Pisces are gifted in many ways, they still manage to spend most of their lives battling "confusing" conditions.

Self doubt is unfortunate characteristic because #Pisces have so much potential.

As a #Pisces, Deal with situations head on, know that you are smart and creative, use your imagination to solve problems.

#Pisces, have to stop self-doubting themselves because they are capable of being good role models and leaders to others.

When #Pisces are independent and inspired by life's events, their creativity comes shining through.

#Pisces do not like rejection and they try to treat others the way they want to be treated so they will rarely say no to a person.

#Pisces downfall is their sensitivity and their inability to reject another person.

#Pisces are not the pushovers that they may seem, in fact they have strength of character and will stand up for what they believe in.

#Pisces live in two worlds, the real world and the spiritual or mystical world where they interpret what they see into what they want.

As a #Pisces, You're a survivor, the last sign of the zodiac said to have lived the lifetimes of every sign.

By nature, #Pisces loves everyone dearly and has an instinctual desire to help others.

In general, #Pisces is misunderstood. They are quite stubborn and from birth to grave, they remain true to themselves.

As a #Pisces, after a break up with your deep compassion and inbred wisdom, you know how to handle matters of the heart.

As a #Pisces, If you're not involved in a breakup, you're usually supporting someone else who is.

Sensitive, emotional #Pisces, you process breakups better than most signs.

#Pisces,have a great disliking for people who pretend to be all known and authoritarian individuals.

When #Pisces have sufficient desire to live the dream, they will find the obstacles in their way mere challenges.

The lesson for #Pisces it to replace selfishness or self-interest with humanitarian interest.

#Pisces,need to guard against the ‘lost dog syndrome’.They tend to collect partners who are lost and in need of love and compassion.

#Pisces,seem to remind those who are constantly busy that miracles are all around them, waiting to be noticed.

#Pisces sometimes avoid confrontation, tolerating difficult situations rather than voicing their frustration.

#Pisces can be compassionate and patient even when others disappoint them.

#Pisces = Compassionate and Imaginative

#Pisces Likes = Anything discarded to stay discarded

#Pisces = Adaptable

#Pisces typically lacks the strong ego boundaries of the other signs. Pisces always seems distracted, longing for something far away.

#Pisces have no aptitude for romantic skills and are not interested in playing games when it comes to dating.

If you want a #Pisces to notice you then Believe in the old-fashioned, one-true love mentality.

#Pisces have a quick understanding, and are versatile. They easily accept new ideas and are good observers and listeners.

#Pisces Have a strong intuition and follow it to make things work. They are very trustworthy and loyal to their friends and family.

#Pisces, do not allow their ego to determine the quality of their interaction with others.

#Pisces need to find a career path that allows for flexibility and a constant exploration of new interests and emotional stimulation.

A #Pisces, strength is born from reflection, consideration, and resistance to actions that perpetuate pain.

Kindness, trust and a 'willingness to believe' has contributed to #Pisces' reputation as one of the most spiritual signs of the Zodiac.

As a #Pisces, Many times you create your own business opportunities by just being at the right place at the right time.

As a #Pisces, Expressing your emotions in some constructive way will stop them from overtaking you.

As a #Pisces, People will gladly follow your lead in matters, all you need to do is give them a just cause and the necessary encouragement.

As a #Pisces, you are rarely the one with the sharp tongue or the raised voice.

As a #Pisces,you must help others to learn patience by showing them the value in going with the flow.

As a #Pisces, You have lesser boundaries than most and you will give a part of yourself for others.

As a #Pisces, you have a keen understanding of a partners wants and needs as well as being ready, willing and able to satisfy them.

As a #Pisces, You are one of the few people who truly understands the NOW, living in the NOW and just how precious Life really is.

As a #Pisces, Your faith in some people makes little sense to others but it is usually well placed because you just know some folks.

As a #Pisces, Your soul has so much depth that it needs a strong balance for stability.

For a #Pisces, Meditation and positive visualization are important techniques for you to learn.

As a #Pisces, You have almost too many emotions which sometimes causes imbalances in your personality.

As a #Pisces, In many cases, you actually think you want to be alone but instead you end up going out.

As a #Pisces, When in a good mood you love being social and usually are the proverbial "life of the party".

As a #Pisces, You are fundamentally a quite reserved person but there is a dangerous part of you that is always roaring in public.

As a #Pisces, Romantically you are a warm, cuddly, kind and generous with your partners.

As a #Pisces, you have the proverbial sixth sense when it comes to people, instinctual knowing the right time to act and when to not act.

As a #Pisces, You keenly understand the correlation between money and WATER. It Flows.

As a #Pisces, You will probably do better in a business environment where the personal touch is important.

#Pisces like people with their own qualities and nature and do not want to change people around them according to their comfort.

As a #Pisces, You don't play to win. You don't believe in playing for individual glory.

#Pisces needs to turn his/her private, mystical dream world of love and compassion into a reality.

A #Pisces woman is is intuitive,feminine, responsive and sensual - a combination which is enough to make men go weak at knees.

A #Pisces woman is very creative and can use her skills through music, art or any other artistic expressions.

A #Pisces woman makes a great girlfriend or mother because she can intuit yours or their needs before you even know them yourself.

The #Pisces woman’s emotional openness can also become her greatest challenge.
#Pisces are looking for someone who seems to understand them as well as they can understand other people.

#Pisces is the sign of soul-mates and like penguins, Pisces like to mate for life.

With a #Pisces, Loyalty is very important to this sign so make sure you make your intentions clear from the beginning.

#Pisces like to be courted, slowly, formally and with great sincerity.

The way to woo a #Pisces is to make sure that he or she knows that you are playing for keeps.

In relationships, #Pisces have a tendency to carry things inward and not push them out.

As a #Pisces your always willing to give your mind, body and soul to those who ask for assistance.

#Pisces are interested in everything that isn't quite real: illusion and disillusionment, fantasy, drama, emotion, art, and spirituality.

As a #Pisces,Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to overcome feelings of paranoia, suspicion and isolation.

#Pisces will truly want to know the real you, and they’ll probably be able to pick up on how you’re feeling no matter what you tell them.

When you are with a #Pisces,learn how to communicate a thousand expressions of love — all without saying a word.

The #Pisces lover is caring and compassionate,a sensitive and intuitive soul who brings a starry-eyed quality to the real world.

Whoever coined the term “dream lover” must have been thinking of a #Pisces.

#Pisces people are perhaps the most cautious of all, where their own efforts are concerned.

Jupiter endows #Pisces with a nature so generous that it becomes overly trusting.

#Pisces people acquire knowledge, then fail to show it, often regarding it of little consequence.

#Pisces women have a soulful quality that makes them very attractive to the opposite sex.

A #Pisces female is full of womanly charms and at the very first glance, she will look like the girl every guy falls in love with.

As a #Pisces, With difficult aspects, you become too emotionally dependent on others, or you may force others to depend on you.

As a #Pisces,you will love and accept totally and unconditionally until others prove you wrong.

Creativity is the middle name of a #Pisces. Also Pisces is probably the most difficult sign in the #Zodiac to understand.

If you confer a #Pisces any responsibility, be it in personal life or professional life, they will never ever disappoint you.

With a #Pisces, Shyness goes out the door, if it's the bedroom door we're talking about.

As a #Pisces, Your creativity and imagination makes you lean towards the arts, theater and film,whether as a career or a hobby.

As a #Pisces You may try to lose this sense of separateness by being submissive to whatever you are involved in.

As a #Pisces,many times you seem to deceive others, taking the path of least resistance instead of telling the terrible truth.

As a #Pisces,being the last sign of the zodiac,you are in conflict with yourself,as your symbol suggests two fish locked in tension.

What a #Pisces care about the most is that their spirit is being soothed and that they're being useful in the world.

#Pisces prefer to indulge their fantasies (and secrets) in an unconscious state.

As a #Pisces, In relationships your easygoing attitude enhances the interactive experience for anyone involved.

Many people associate a #Pisces with dreams and secrets, and it's a fair association.

It's very difficult to say that any particular profession is impossible or unsuitable for a #Pisces.

As a #Pisces, You can calm people down just by walking into the room and your generous spirit pervades any gathering.

As a #Pisces, You must put your own plans first if you want to reach your deadline. Think about yourself first.

As a #Pisces,learn a clear conscience will enable you to strive for your goals without hesitation.Stop holding back and let go.

As a #Pisces, Communication will be necessary if you want to be successful in love, life and your financial.

#Pisces can appreciate art more fully than any other Sun sign can. They can see the beauty in everything and accept it.

#Pisces prefer to swim away from conflict, ponder its outcome and return to the scene of the argument with sound solutions.

As a #Pisces, You'll have trouble hiding your feelings, so clear the air. It's best to be honest and accept the results.

As a #Pisces,your two biggest talents are sympathy and imagination.

As a #Pisces,when reality is painful, you can replace it with an imaginative fantasy and believe in that until things get better.

#Pisces experience is the understanding that one does not have to be anything, yet can be everything.

#Pisces likes and needs a home environment that promotes intellectual and mental interests.

#Pisces, must learn to say no sometimes and help themselves first.

#Pisces tend to idealize their partner, which can be good and bad at the same time.

When in love, Pisces like to fantasize. For them fantasy is 90% of the fun of a relationship.

Only time and the right attitude will yield #Pisces' deepest secrets

#Pisces prefer a partner who is on top of all the details of life, because they dislike details.

As a #Pisces, Being a mixture of an optimist and a pessimist, you find it difficult to make up your minds on any issue.

As a #Pisces, because you exist on a high spiritual plane, finding a compatible mate can be challenging.

As a #Pisces, Deal with situations head on, know that you are smart and creative, use your imagination to solve the problem.

Any thing romantic – a carriage ride through downtown, a candlelight dinner,a long walk along the lake – will please a #Pisces.

Poets, writers, painters, musicians, actors, and dancers dominate the list of famous #Pisces.

As a #Pisces, the rest of us rely on you to dazzle us with your flights of fancy, either with words or visuals.

As a #Pisces, Those two fish in your hieroglyph are the only truly happy symbols in the Zodiac.

#Pisces are very impressionable and are susceptible to almost anyone's sob story.

#Pisces represents the end of the circle yet is also the sign of rebirth, eternity, and reincarnation.

#Pisces possess an understanding that surpasses that of any other zodiac sign.

#Pisces know that they do not generate thoughts but only tune in to thoughts that already exist.

To a well-developed #Pisces intellect is a tool by which to express knowledge.

A #Pisces can be a friend that will stick with you forever, just because you are a friend.

A #Pisces carries a warning which is "Sometimes FEELINGS can be destructive." So be cautious around them at all times.

A #Pisces is often very easy to get along with, as long as they are not depressed or overly self-involved.

So much of what a #Pisces knows and feels and comprehends is below the verbal level.

#Pisces are not someone who will be jumping into decisions and making all the wrong turns in life.

#Pisces is the oldest of the 12 signs and they are usually very mature.You will often find them being wise in every situation.

#Pisces can be a quite confusing sign for those who do not understand them.

#Pisces are often taken advantage of because they are so forgiving and believe that everyone truly is good.

#Pisces need to take time to indulge themselves and replenish themselves once in awhile.

#Pisces are loyal to a fault and prefer to be homebodies than to remain uprooted.

#Pisces are generous with friends, and they always check their ego at the door when it comes to relationships.

#Pisces think in the abstract, which can make reality hard to deal with at times.

#Pisces need to learn to create personal boundaries in order to know what they are feeling.

#Pisces, when feeling taken for granted or exhausted from caring for others, can become negative.

As a #Pisces they see the world as it really is, and not just the way it appears to be.

As a #Pisces You appreciate the inner qualities of other people and are not usually someone who judges a book by it's cover.

As a #Pisces you are the most loving and giving of the signs, but your ability to select an inappropriate partner is legendary.

#Pisces are not usually predictable which can be stimulating for others but this does not make for harmonious relationships.

As a #Pisces you dream to create, not to escape from the true realities which you face daily.

Once a #Pisces start on the road to obsessions, they have more trouble than anyone else coming back to this world.

#Pisces understands the moods and behavior of others so well that you can be quite a manipulator behind the scenes.

As a #Pisces you would make an excellent judge, a sensitive administrator, or a quite inspirational teacher.

As a #Pisces,Neptune brings out your sensitive and spiritual qualities, but it can also lay you open to deception.

Perhaps more than any other sign, a #Pisces may express an evolved or unevolved awareness.

#Pisces are too emotionally involved with the problems of others. Pisces don't give themselves enough of " Me" time.

As a #Pisces you’re idealistic about the way you see the world and unfortunately what you see is not in keeping with your ideas

As a #Pisces you’re equally comfortable in a social environment. Sometimes you do feel a little disconnected from life.

As a #Pisces because you are an observer of human nature you are philosophical and realize that nothing lasts forever.

As a #Pisces your destiny is primarily connected to wisdom, self-knowledge and compassionate service to the world.

#Pisces are apt to see everything as a dilemma, riddled with numerous options and shades of possibility.

#Pisces are easily attracted to people who have big problems because they love the thought of being needed.

As a #Pisces you're so involved in your imaginative world that things like bills and responsibilities are a lesser priority.

Many people think that #Pisces are changeable or too unstable in maintaining an opinion but that's never the case.

#Pisces are extremely attractive too most people they meet but truly compatible with few.

#Pisces often exhibit a gentle patient nature, but one that is in want of inspiration.

#Pisces can be emotionally sensitive,and emotionally aggressive at the same time.

#Scorpio Rising, moves with care and deliberation, relying on their inner sense to figure out their situation and what others may do.

#Scorpio Rising, has an aura about them that lets others know they are not to be pushed around. Think twice before trying to attack one.

#Scorpio Venus have the ability to give their partner their complete attention. This can be flattering to some,while unnerving to others.

#Scorpio Venus likes someone who isn't afraid of commitment, emotions or intensity. They like a bit of surrender in the relationship.

If a #Scorpio Venus is upset, watch out. They can either explode with anger, or make you wish you were dead by the look they give you.

With the Moon in #Scorpio, you fight with assurance and confidence in yourself. You are full of energy, and express yourself rather bluntly.

With the Moon in #Scorpio, you may feel as though no one understands you. You are a fighter by nature.

#Scorpio Moon has a great presence, even when they are shy. They can be vulnerable, intelligent and ambitious.

#Scorpios, can be quick to criticize and condemn, particularly with people that they take a disliking to.

#Scorpios are charming and affable in social circles but are capable of staring right through to your soul.

#Scorpios, jealousy and resentment can easily devour them and those close to them.

A #Scorpio cannot and will not accept lies from anyone. If you mess up with them consider yourself done.

There is a seductive quality to a #Scorpio that draws others in,their powerful self control alludes to a strength of character.

As a #Scorpio, You have the ability and strength to work long and hard, in situations that would make others retreat.

As a #Scorpio, you have the ability in life to surprise, you often get on well despite the odds being stacked against you.

Other signs can be very cautious of a #Scorpio, which isn't surprising.

Historically #Scorpio has been refereed to as the sign of death and re-birth.

As a Fixed sign, #Scorpio can be stubborn and unyielding and have difficulty relinquishing control in the relationship.

#Scorpio has both a traditional ruler (Mars) and a modern ruler (Pluto),and the combination of the two creates a forceful personality.

#Scorpio is a Water sign, sharing with other signs the focus on feeling and emotions but with a dark intensity.

Born with a tremendous focus and intensity, #Scorpio is the penultimate sign of personal power.

As a #Scorpio,You have so much passion and power that you find yourself sometimes going into self destruct mode.

As a #Scorpio,You hate to compromise, but sometimes you have to meet half way to get what you want, try it and you'd be surprised.

As a #Scorpio, You are very sensitive and emotional but your rock solid exterior hides this very well.

#Scorpios tend to dominate and control anyone that lets them, or anyone that they find weak.

#Scorpio's are very weary of the games that other people try to play and they are very aware of it.

In an argument a #Scorpio will always win, they are always the self-proclaimed best at everything they do.

#Scorpios will simply use their adaptive skill to quickly move and and leave the bad experience behind.

#Scorpios are constantly trying to understand their emotions through finding a deeper purpose in life.

To be out of control is very threatening, even dangerous to the #Scorpio's psyche, when they control, they feel safe.

#Scorpios, only become sneaking and secretive as a way of self-protection.

#Scorpios, probably know you better then you know yourself. Acknowledge them and their incredible minds.

#Scorpio rules the house of sharing. They are the stewards of sharing money, resources, love.

As a #Scorpio,you can go for years in a committed relationship without ever opening your heart.Even after a break up you won't feel anything

As a #Scorpio, You may subconsciously destroy your own relationship just to see what remains after the demolition.

Intense #Scorpio is the sign of extremes, and breakups bring out this side of you.

#Scorpios,are not ideal partners for those who desire a comfortable, peaceful relationship.

However, although strangers usually only get one chance to cross a #Scorpio, friends are excused from time to time.

Owing to their investigative nature, it can be very difficult keeping a secret from a #Scorpio.

#Scorpio people tend to test their friends and their partners, in order to discover their limitations.

To be fair,#Scorpios are often right first time when deciding about people.

#Scorpio is a water sign, so these people feel what is right for them intuitively.

A #Scorpio, can rise above past hurts, maintaining their inner peace and achieving great heights of spiritual and emotional development.

#Scorpios = Powerful and passionate

#Scorpios Likes = Being Persuasive

#Scorpio = Magnetic

A #Scorpio dares to be simple and dupe and that is the first step in the direction of wisdom and victory.

#Scorpios always have a complicated relationship; they can even be moody for no obvious reasons.

If you want a #Scorpio to notice you then don't Ask for their opinion or advice if you aren't prepared to hear the vicious truth.

#Scorpios, can detect insults quickly. They are blunt, and argumentative by nature. They are constructive and have a purpose of life.

#Scorpios,can be sly in order to outwit somebody. They have an unbalanced temper. They can boast excessively in order to show

As a #Scorpio,You understand people well and make a good manager because you are a motivator and always get the most out people.

As a #Scorpio, You are a person who can create something from nothing.

Real communication with a #Scorpio means engaging with honesty, no matter how candid, sordid or direct.

As a #Scorpio, you have a good balance between emotions and intuition which produces extraordinary decision making.

As a #Scorpio, You are a force to be reckoned with; extremely commanding but not too demanding.

As a #Scorpio,You are so sharp you can know what some people are thinking by the expressions on their face or their body language.

As a #Scorpio, Having Pluto ‘less visible’ works for you - you get to be just that little bit more covert and even subversive.

As a #Scorpio, you won’t shy away from the truth just because it’s not exactly what you or others want to hear.

As a #Scorpio,If someone can’t see the obvious, staring them in the face, you want to whip back the veils of illusion,to improve their view.

As a #Scorpio, Use some of the critical mind power you possess to select a psychologically secure mate.

As a #Scorpio, You need affection and constant companionship or social interaction.

As a #Scorpio, You are an attractive person with a good deal of sex appeal, the understated kind.

As a #Scorpio, You have a flair for analyzing, criticizing or dramatizing events and ideas.

As a #Scorpio, You are critical, intellectual and opinionated and should spend a lot time developing your affinity for communication.

As a #Scorpio, You are a leader not because of power or domination but from the admiration of others and respect for your peers.

As a #Scorpio, You learn to hide your emotional stress with a dynamic personality and good sense of humor.

As a #Scorpio, Your highly sexed and emotionally proud nature leaves you open to the problems of unrealistic expectations.

As a #Scorpio, You are a natural leader and are capable of reaching a positions of influence and great importance in society.

As a #Scorpio,You have lofty goals and standards but the people whom you project those upon may not be able to live up to your high ideals.

As a #Scorpio, You are generally quite a strong person with an "up" or positive personality.

As a #Scorpio, You expect your partners to meet your strict standards in the relationship.You have to work on trying to manipulate people.

As a #Scorpio, You know your own worth, having learned it the hard way.

As a #Scorpio, You have a good ability to manage people but sometimes you may think you are an almighty deity with infallible judgment.

As a #Scorpio, You take refuge in your sensuality, and this works very well for you.

As a #Scorpio, No other sign has your mystique, so take pride in it.

As a #Scorpio, You work well alone. Some of your best efforts will be solo ones.

One of the challenges of being in love with a #Scorpio man is to get him to voice his innermost thoughts and feelings.

#Scorpio men have an explosive temper that can strike a life-time wound.

The #Scorpio Man is an intense, sexually insatiable lover whose desire for sexual exploration can often outstrip that of their partner.

#Scorpio men are usually very strong, virile, sexy, cajoling and magnetic in their physical appearance

As a #Scorpio,You will see everything through to the bitter end, regardless of how much effort or sacrifice it takes.

If you want to appear attractive to a #Scorpio it is a really good idea to make yourself appear sought after romantically by others.

For some it is hard to deny a #Scorpios reputation for becoming the third party in love triangles.

#Scorpios find people with drive, ambition and determination to be very sexy.

Don't even think of wooing a #Scorpio unless your life has some kind of strong mission or purpose attached to it.

In relationships, #Scorpios are dead serious in their mission, and if their mission is to leave you, then that's that.

As a #Scorpio, stop blaming others for your problems.You are powerful people learn to control and take action for your own problems.

As a #Scorpio, On the surface the problems seems purely material but is actually emotional and you are usually in denial.

As a #Scorpio, you often find yourself involved with people who take advantage of you financially and emotionally.

Ruling the House of Sex can either be a blessing or a curse, and a lot depends on how a #Scorpio deals with it.

The ideal #Scorpio soul mate can go twelve rounds anywhere, anytime and preferably in bed.

A #Scorpios relationship is always like a chess game. No matter how much you want it to be over it just drags out.

There’s a hard-to-pin-down, magnetic quality which surrounds a #Scorpio, an aura which says “try me, if you dare!”

It is not uncommon for #Scorpios to stretch a point and justify their actions regardless of honest opposition.

Once roused to action, #Scorpios are determined, aggressive and dominant, always ready to champion a cause.

#Scorpio is the sign of bold enterprise,a fearless nature guided by self-control and confidence but geared for action when the time demands.

A #Scorpio man will give his honest opinion. He will never say you are looking like a princess, when you are looking like a slob.

A #Scorpio man will never ever go in for a girl who is ludicrous or shameless.

As a #Scorpio, your illusive sweetness hides a great strength.

When #Scorpios love someone,they do it from the core of their heart and when they hate someone,they are extremely loyal to their hatred.

#Scorpios cannot trust anyone easily, which creates misunderstanding between close friends.

No matter, if they are criticized and blamed,a #Scorpio will accomplish any given task.

Above all, #Scorpios are survivors. They don't use people but instead help them transcend themselves.

#Scorpios like to keep their lives to themselves. Many people find this to be annoying that a #Scorpio can never open up.

#Scorpio must learn to self-regulate more effectively, to resist the urge to lash out when hurt.

#Scorpio tends to be one of the most possessive, jealous and suspicious Signs of the Zodiac.

If a #Scorpio can learn that to disconnect isn't necessarily permanent,there would be less of a need for manipulative or vindictive

As a #Scorpio, your systems run smoothly because you have created a style of interaction that works for you perfectly.

It's best not to bet against a #Scorpio, since these folks are surprisingly resourceful. They will win one way or another.

There's no fluff or chatter for #Scorpios. They will get straight to the point holding nothing back.

#Scorpios give the impression of power,a quiet, resolute strength and a capacity and determination to overcome anything.

#Scorpios are clever in utilizing other people's ideas of a more daringly inventive turn.

As a #Scorpio,You need intensity the way flowers need rain. Sometimes it's hard for others to get a reading on how you really feel.

With a #Scorpio, expect the unexpected. Living with a #Scorpio is very challenging so tread lightly.

As a #Scorpio,Expect things to be hectic, no matter what you do. Your life is always crazy and something is bound to happen.

As a #Scorpio,a change of attitude will help you discover a talent or skill you didn't know you had.

As a #Scorpio, Let your heart rule your head and follow your basic instincts. If you allow this to happen you will have success.

As a #Scorpio,Don't be afraid to take an unusual approach to life, love and finding happiness. Let down your protective walls.

When #Scorpios give their "all", they marry and stay faithful to one partner their whole lives.

#Scorpios are all about emotion. Not moody sadness emotion like Cancers. But rather dense, absorbing, reacting emotion.

Sometimes a #Scorpio likes pissing people off just for the fun of it. It gives them this edge that's intriguing.

A #Scorpio can't stand people who think they know it all. The thought of someone questioning them upsets them.

#Scorpios need someone who is going to challenge them and not put them to sleep.

If you are the quiet type then you are not the person for a #Scorpio.

A #Scorpio will know everything there was to know about everybody and their motives. Can't fool them not one bit.

When a #Scorpio take charge you know it's going down.It will seem like the president of the United of States just walked in the room

#Scorpios need to develop qualities that do not come naturally to them, such as breadth of vision, optimism, faith, and trust.

To a #Scorpio money is power, money causes change, money controls.

If you are in love with a #Scorpio you will need a lot of patience. It takes a long time to get to know Scorpios.

There is probably no other zodiac sign that symbolizes a goal setter and an achiever like a #Scorpio. They go in for the kill.

Sad thing is that #Scorpios like knowing everyone else's secrets as much as they dislike anyone knowing anything about them.

#Scorpios' understanding of life (including life's weaknesses) makes them powerful warriors - in all senses of the word.

As a #Scorpio,You discover gossip, for instance, before everyone else (although you're hardly a blabbermouth).

As a #Scorpio yes, you are a natural manipulator, very much like the serpent in Eden.

As a #Scorpio,You notice that other people find themselves acquiring your habits, or your points of view

As a #Scorpio You know you have a natural dominance—not leadership per se, but quiet control.

As a #Scorpio You're the person pulling the strings above the stage, where no one can see you, yet you're in complete control.

#Scorpios dislike it when someone tries to dominate them. They must be the leader in every relationship or they will leave.

#Scorpios are highly sensitive, so if you try to take advantage of them, they will catch on quickly.

#Scorpios are passionate, committed and in the same turn, if you are an enemy, they can be just as intensely ruthless.

#Scorpios are also conservative when it comes to money but when they do spend it; they know the right investments to make.

#Scorpios won't be confrontational because they know they are negative when they confront.

Think about this when dating a #Scorpio,Secretive intense people don't tend to "blabber".

Getting along with a #Scorpio then depends on who they are. A Scorpio can give you many types of attitudes at once.

#Scorpios are probably thought to be the most difficult to get along with.

#Scorpios always get into complicated relationships. They always want to be reassured in the relationship.

A #Scorpio is the worst and the best out of all the 12 zodiac signs. With a #Scorpio you get 50/50.

#Scorpios can easily push away people because of their stingy nature and mistrust.

You can always spot a #Scorpio by the way they focus so intently upon someone or something that interests them.

The negative side of a #Scorpios personality can be intimidating, revengeful and manipulative.

Love or shy emotional matters, especially concerning family, are a different matter for #Scorpios.

#Scorpios observe quite clearly where some of us don't dare to shine a light.

There are some #Scorpios who become obsessive and make a big deal out of everything.

#Scorpios, when feeling exposed and vulnerable, or deeply hurt, can become negative.

#Scorpios use many methods of protection: silence, directing attention at other people, or being prickly to keep others at bay.

As a #Scorpio you always gain attention through creating dramatic situations.

As a #Scorpio you have forgiveness issues that tend to make your personal relationships challenging.

#Scorpios receive very strong first impressions of others experiencing either a liking or a dislike for the person involved.

Under attack, #Scorpios make effective use of both silence and sarcasm. Unfortunately, their sarcasm can become vindictive.

Because a #Scorpio's unconscious mind is more in control than their conscious mind,they lose all sense of judgment under criticism.

#Scorpios are most assuredly a force to be reckoned with and respected.

#Scorpios can't afford the time and inconvenience involved with failure. They aim for what they are sure will work.

#Scorpios are "all or nothing" people. They do nothing halfway. They are known for implementing "extreme solution.

#Scorpios are dynamic and profound in their personal expressions players in the game of life where the stakes can be high.

#Scorpios are controlling and possessive -- for they frequently feel driven to achieve their goals to the point of obsession.

As a #Scorpio it's not easy being the most powerful sign in the Zodiac. All that potential is a tremendous responsibility.

As a #Scorpio even though you don’t always articulate your feelings, your eyes do plenty of communicating for you.

As a #Scorpio you have something that’s hard to put your finger on but makes it nearly impossible for people to ignore you.

As a #Scorpio you need overkill to feel really alive. You also want approval, though you don’t often verbalize that.

#Scorpios are so misunderstood by so many people, but that’s just because what people don’t understand, they tend to fear.

There is no point in arguing with a #Scorpio they won't compromise no matter what you say or do.

As a #Scorpio by no means will you ever leave yourself open and vulnerable. You have to hold something back.

As a #Scorpio you are instinctively suspicious, because once you place yourself in the control room, you have to defend it.

Love and hate are both felt forcefully for a #Scorpio.

A lot of the time people are unaware a #Scorpio is in the room,and then pow, when they least expect it, there you are.

As a #Scorpio in a work situation you tend to get on with things, without fuss and supervision.

As a #Scorpio you can be quiet and peaceful one minute, and something completely different the next.

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